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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day 184: Recap

Day 177: The Bright Side

Today we talked about looking on the bright side of a situation and being content with where we are. We focused on 1 Timothy 6:6-7 and Philippians 4:12-13.

"If we continue to look on the brighter side one day we will get up and the darkness will no longer hover over us, one day the clouds will clear up, the rain will stop. "

Day 178: #LoveYourself Part 2

Today we took it all the way back to day to the beginning, Day 7, when we talked about loving yourself. Today we talked about loving the skin we are in and knowing that God made us beautiful and perfect just the way we are. Today was about who you are on the outside as much as you do on the inside. We focused on Mark 12:31, Ephesians 5:29. and Psalms 139:14.

"We project ourselves onto other people. How we treat ourselves is often how we treat others. So just imagine, if we are loving ourselves and feeling confident and beautiful, and good about the skin we are in. Thankful for who we are, and the life we live. How do you think we are going to treat others?"

Day 179: Gotta Have Faith

Today we talked about faith and how we must exercise our faith if we want it to grow. We talked about trusting God and having the faith of a mustard seed. We also talked about choosing to have faith in God and not using it as a last resort. We focused on Hebrews 11:1, Mark 11:24, and Matthew 21:22.

"Faith isn’t just for the moments when we’ve lost all hope. Faith in God is what gives us hope."

Day 180: Don't Trade Your Integrity

Today we talked about holding on to our integrity and our belief and morals. We talked about having something that is not worth giving up for anything. We focused on Proverbs 11:3.

"What I’m saying is, getting to the top doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice or trade in your integrity, just to get there a bit quicker. We can do that to get to where we are going quick but as fast as we go up we’ll come down even quicker. There is something beautiful about holding on to your beliefs, even if it means it takes a bit longer, and it’s a little harder. But you know that once you get there, wherever ‘there’ is, once you’re there, you’ll know that you didn’t have to trade anything or compromise at any point."

Day 181: Back to Our Roots

Today we talked about our roots and where they are planted. We talked about how we are standing on the prayers of our grandmothers, mothers, and elders. We focused on Mark 4:14-20 and 1 Corinthians 3:6.

"We cannot survive if our roots are not planted in God’s word, it is the good soil we need to be planted in in order for our roots to be strong and healthy, It is through Christ that we are able to have a relationship with God, and he is feeding us, and stabilizing us, and making sure our spirits are healthy and growing. That is when we start to grow in Christ. We get everything we need from Him."

Day 182: Not Today

Today we talked about having a good day. We talked about choosing to have a great day and not let anything stop us. We focused on Psalms 118:24.

" Have you ever noticed that these are the days you are tried the most, I mean the most, when all you want to do is have a good day it like all the forces for ruining your day come at you like the paparazzi comes after Justin Bieber. But the thing about it is, there is so much joy in the Lord that nothing can stop you, nothing can get to you because you’re already covered. You just smile for the cameras and keep it moving. So in the words of Hillsong United, 'Tell the devil, no not today.'"

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day. Enjoy your Sunday have some fun today. Be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 185!

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