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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 205: Recap!

Day 198: If You Love Me

Today we talked about how we love God, and how we are to live in honor of that. We talked about how loving God is not complicated all we have to do is live the way He has told us to. We focused on John 14:15.

"I believe the bible is full of formulas telling us the secrets of life. He’s given us another one, quite simple, if you love me obey me. That simple, He doesn’t say anything else, just obey me. Now if we really love God this will not be a problem."

Day 199: For God So Loved the World

Today we talked about God loving us. We talked about how we usually find it hard to believe that God loves us, and how we sometime exclude ourselves when talking about God loving the world. We focused on John 3:16. 

"It’s important that we constantly return to the cross because that’s where everything changed. We can get so caught up in the theological aspect of it all that we forget the simple yet profound aspect of it. Jesus loves us, so much that He took on our sin and died in our place."

Day 200: Right in Front of You

Today we talked about how we are sometimes looking for something that is right in front of us. Sometimes we are looking for Jesus but overlooking Him. We focused on John20:11-16.

"Are we overlooking Jesus? Are we searching for Him without realizing that He is right in front of us. He is standing right there and we are so overcome with our own personal troubles, and concerns that we don’t see that He is right there."

Day 201: Check Yourself

Today we talked about dealing with ourselves before we even think about dealing with someone else. We talked about being able to look at ourselves first, and be teachable before trying to teach. We focused on Romans 2:21-24, Matthew 7:3-5, and John8:7-9.

" We can’t be a Christian for all of two minutes and then think we have so much together that we can start telling other people how to live. We need to learn how to live like Christ first, before we can teach anyone else. We have some specks in our eyes that need to be removed before we can even start to see clearly."

Day 202: Those 3 Days

Today we talked about living without Jesus and what those three days without Him were like. We talked about how that can be the equivalent to when we choose to walk away from God and live a life of sin. We focused on John 20:19.

"I can imagine those three days without Jesus as what it’s like when we choose to walk away from Him and ignore Him. My mom used to always tells us, “Leading a life of sin is like nailing Jesus to the cross over and over again.” Our sin hurts Him, it was the reason He had to die. Someone had to pay the price for our sin,  and that someone was Jesus. So every time we decide to walk away it’s like we’re putting Him in that grave all over again. When we decide to live our life without Jesus it’s like we’re putting Him in a tomb and walking away."

Day 203: Comfortable With Who You Are?

Today we talked about how encouraging people to "be who they are" can sometime mean living a life of sin or staying stagnant. How sometimes we are discouraging growth while encouraging comfortability. We focused on 1 Corinthians 13:11.

"We are conditioning people to live and accept a life of sin or a life unfulfilled because in the name of not offending anyone we want you to be comfortable with who you are. We have become more concerned with people’s emotions rather than their souls. It has caused a growing number of stagnation within the body of Christ and humanity as a whole."

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for day 206! Enjoy your day loves!

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