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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 197: Remain Faithful

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

I believe that God is giving us a formula here, He’s telling us how to get His attention, in a way. He gives a few simple instructions here and He expects these things from us.

Many times, we as Christians look at our relationship with God as a one way street, or look at God as our butler. He’s here to do things for me and that’s it. But my friend that is not true. This relationship is a give and take, if we want God to listen to us, and we want Him to answer our prayers we have to do some things and change some habits that show we are committed to God. We can’t be the type of people that live our lives any type of way and when we need something we’re devoted Christians for all of ten minutes. That’s not how it works. The scripture tells us to humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face, and then… Then I will do what you ask of me. It’s like God is saying, you want me to answer your prayers, you want me to act on your behalf, be sincere, be faithful, seek my face. You want me, look for me. Sometimes we have to give to get, there is a few things God has given us freely and unconditionally, love and grace being two of them. But there’s some things we have to give to God and give up if we want to have a relationship with Him and if we want to experience His faithfulness, First off if we want God to be faithful, we have to be faithful as well. We have to be faithful in both the good times, hard times and bad times.

When we are doing everything we are supposed to do, living our lives devoted to Christ, and following the path He has laid out, everything will work out. We will have a direct line to God, without anything getting in the way of the connection. When we are faithful to God we see how faithful He is to us. God will give us everything we desire, but we have to live for Him. We cannot live any way we want to and think that God is still going to reward us because He is full of grace. Yes He is full of love, grace, and mercy, that is true and He will always be there with open arms ready to forgive us. But there is a level of sincerity that we must have. God knows a sincere heart, and I believe that God will honor that. He’s there, He’s right there saying I’m ready, I want to forgive you, I want to heal you, I want to answer your prayer and give you everything you need and desire, but first you have to let go of the things stopping you from getting to me. First we have to come to Him with a humble and repentant heart, we have to seek Him and He will be there. He will answer and honor our prayers.

All this to say, remain faithful to God. Don’t treat Him like a butler or try to be fake. He can spot an insincere person. God is faithful to us so let’s be faithful to Him.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to respond today in whatever way you feel led. Talk to God about being faithful and living for Him. Have an honest conversation with Him. If you feel convicted repent, do whatever you need to do.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 198!

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