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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Day 187: Live to Win

1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.

One of my least favorite statements is,
“I’m hoping for the best, but I’m expecting the worst.”

That statement makes me livid, because no, don’t write yourself off like that. If you’re going to hope for the best, hope for it. Believe it, and if the result is anything less than that then atleast you tried, it just didn’t work out. I think many of us are afraid of being let down and hurt so we don’t expect much out of the things we hope for. We don’t want to be disappointed so we don’t get our hopes up. We don’t want to get our hearts broken so we act like we don’t have feelings. Well, get over it, that’s life. It’s full of ups and downs, heartaches, headaches, and disappointments, but all of these things work together to make us better people. God uses all of these things to mould and shape us. The biggest disappointment would be, if we let our insecurities and fears stop us from ever trying. I’d rather be disappointed and know that I tried rather than angry and bitter because I never tried in the first place. Which brings me to the title of today’s devo, we have to live to win. We have to give it our all. What’s the use of running a race if you’re not running to win?

I truly believe that God wants us to win, not in a way where we are competing with our neighbors but in a way that we are living the best way we know how. That we are giving everything we have to this life that He has given us. It is apparent to me that God doesn’t want us to sell ourselves short. He loves us and believes in us enough to send His son to die on a cross for our sin. Why can’t we believe in ourselves the same way? He definitely didn’t sell us short.

Over the past year I have seen a wave of, ‘glorified insecurity’, where it has become almost a trend to talk down on yourself and write yourself off. From ‘funny’ memes to grunge tumblr posts. It’s something that has started on social media but has also taken root in the lives of many people. It’s not okay or funny or cute to talk down on yourself. There are many other people out there who are going to do that, why do it to yourself?

We have to learn to believe in ourselves, believe in our dreams, and most importantly believe that God has sent us here with a purpose. Having faith in the fact that God is rooting for us, He wants us to win. Jesus is like our cheerleader, He’s on the right side of the father interceding for us day in and day out. He is rooting for us too. It’s so easy to let fear stop us from trying, but God is not a God of fear. Yes we will fall, and we have to get back up. We will get a few scrapes and scars but it’s makes for a better story in the end. Something my mom always told me growing up, before Kanye said it, “What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger.” She’s been telling me this all my life. Whenever I got a no from an audition, or didn’t get picked at a showcase, she’d look at me and say that statement. What that meant was, don’t let this stop you, I know it hurts but you have to get up and keep trying. Let it fuel you to do more.

All this to say, live to win. Live for something bigger than yourself and don’t write yourself off. You are much more than you think you are. God made you for a reason, live like you believe that.


  1. How often do you talk down to yourself, or think less of yourself?
  2. Have your written yourself off?
  3. Are you running this race to win?
  4. Do you believe that you can win?
  5. Do you know your worth

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Whatever you feel the need to talk to God about today, talk to Him. Leave the self-doubt, fear, and insecurities behind.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. I really do love you and I want you to know that. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 188!

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