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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 209: Patiently Waiting (It's Coming)

Romans 8:25
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Patience- an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay:

One thing that I can easily admit is, I am not always the most patient person. I don’t like waiting, especially when I feel like there is no need to. one of the reasons I hate traffic. Like I hate it, it makes me so angry, especially when I need to get somewhere. I especially despise it when the traffic is unnecessary, for example one lane is closed due to an accident and everyone wants to stop and look at the accident instead of going on about their business. It makes my blood boil. I just don’t like waiting, I will but I won’t like or enjoy it. This is where we learn the difference between just waiting and being patient.

This is one of the things God has taught me over the years, patience. Not everything will move in my timing and I have to be okay with that. I have learned that sometimes I will have to sit through some traffic before I get to where I need to go, and by the time I get there, everything will be right.  Everything will fall into place because God’s timing is perfect. I’ve learned that sitting through the traffic is what teaches me patience. Sometimes the things we want take a bit more time, some prayers get answered quicker than others and I the only reason that I can give you is, God’s timing is perfect. Many times God does things to teach us, to help us grow. I believe that when we are waiting it is teaching us a lesson in patience. It’s teaching not only to wait but to wait in good faith, wait with integrity, wait with smile on our face.

Sometimes we can get impatient with God. We get tired of praying because we don’t see anything happening. We often dismiss the fact that we will not always know what God is up to but He is in fact up to something. We just have to have faith in Him, and trust in His word and His timing, because I am not over exaggerating when I say, His timing is perfect.  When we ask God for something we have wait for it. Sometimes we view God as genie. Like all we have to do is pray or fast for a day or two and then we will have everything we ever wanted or needed. God will answer our prayers, and He will give us what we ask for but it’s all in His timing. It’s not always an immediate thing, like we close our eyes and poof everything that we’ve been praying for will be right there in front of us. No there’s some waiting involved, the scripture above tells us so, when we pray for things we don’t have we wait for it patiently. The keyword right there is patience. Everything we need and want, it’s coming we just have to wait patiently for it.

All this to say, don’t get impatient with God, trust in His timing. Trust that everything is coming together and working out we just have to be patient and trust Him. One of the fruits of the spirit is patience, I believe that this is a trait we all must posses because in life there we be a lot of waiting. We must learn to wait with dignity. I know it’s hard especially when we stand in desperate need and we are praying to God with everything and in desperation, but even in those moments, trust His timing.

Also, don’t get impatient with yourself. At our age we often come down on ourselves for not being where we want to be in life. Have patience, not everything will go according to plan but God is in control. God knows where you are and where you will be. Trust me, where you are is exactly where God wants you to be.


  1. Are you a patient person? Be honest.
  2. What moments do you find yourself being impatient?
  3. Are you impatient with yourself?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Talk to God about what it is to be patient and ask Him to help you and teach you how to be patient.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 210!

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