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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 204: Comfortable With Who You Are?

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.

Today I want to talk about growth and maturity and how the society we live in has a huge impact on that. I grew up listening to this scripture, and from the very start I knew that it was about  growing up and being mature. At some point in our lives we will have to move on from being a child and become an adult. Not just physically but mentally.

We live in a world that teaches us to be comfortable with who we are, in every sense of the word. There is a problem with that, it also teaches us to be comfortable with who we are not without ever exploring who we are really supposed to be. I can speak for nearly everyone when I say, the person we are right now is not the person we were a year ago or maybe two years ago, maybe even a month ago. As humans we are constantly changing, constantly evolving, so why are we settling?  This new movement of comfortability has caused a generation to be stagnant. If we were always comfortable there would be no growth, we grow as people when we are pushed out of our comfort zones. However, I am afraid this society is teaching people to stay in the box they are comfortable in, in order to be happy. Sometimes reaching our highest potential means that there will be moments of sadness, bitterness, anger, frustration, confusion. We are not always going to be happy and that is okay. God gave us emotions and He gave us life, to feel and explore every part of it. Why are we stuck where we are comfortable and safe? Why are we content with being semi-good or semi-okay? Why are we okay with living a life we know could be better but we’re happy where we are so we aren’t going to go any further? Why are we pushing people to believe they are something they’re not when we know the truth?

We are conditioning people to live and accept a life of sin or a life unfulfilled because in the name of not offending anyone we want you to be comfortable with who you are. We have become more concerned with people’s emotions rather than their souls. It has caused a growing number of stagnation within the body of Christ and humanity as a whole. If Jesus was concerned about all the people who would be mad at Him for speaking truth and imparting wisdom, where would we be? If He was more concerned about hurting someone’s feelings rather than saving them from their sin where would we  be? If He was concerned about what people would think of Him, He would not have gone and died on that cross. Jesus had a bigger picture in mind, He wasn’t concerned that people were angry because He interrupted their corrupt and comfortable ways of living. No He was concerned with their soul, they’ll get over the anger eventually, but they couldn’t get over being condemned for all eternity. It was as if Jesus was saying, “If I have to take this cross so that you can see you are more than a sinner, and more than what you think you are, I’ll take it. Because where you are is not where you are supposed to be.” He loves us that  much.

All this to say, who we are at the present moment in  time is not who we are meant to be or who we are going to be. Yet due to the changes and conformities within this modern society and the sensitivity of a generation we’d rather you be semi-happy than uncomfortable. Somewhere along the line we stopped growing. Somewhere along the line the truth got a little too real for some people so we started to conform. People started getting angry and hostile so we started to retreat, and let them be. We, as the body of Christ cannot allow any of that stop us. If we want growth we have to be willing to change. We have to be willing to step out of old ways and walk where God wants us. That means that we even have to deny ourselves sometimes and claim our identity in Christ and not settle for who we think we are. But the goal is to really be the person God created us to be.  That will take a lot of moulding and shaping to do. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all about self-love and confidence, but I am against stagnating oneself. Yes I want to encourage people to love themselves but I also want you to know that growth is limitless.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to respond, however you feel led. There was a lot thrown at you today. Talk to God about what we discussed today, have a conversation with a friend or someone else, start a discussion. Just respond, however you respond is okay. Then pray about whatever is on your heart.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 205!

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