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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Day 191: Recap

Day 184: Small Beginnings

Today we talked about humble beginnings and starting even if it's small, just start somewhere. We talked about appreciating the small steps. We focused on Zechariah 4:10.

" It doesn’t matter how small the beginning is just start and let God finish, start and trust God. Whatever God has called you to, start it. "

Day 185: Turn Over a New Leaf

Today we talked about closing a chapter and starting a new one. We talked about knowing when to let go and move on. Not letting fear stop us from moving forward. We focused on Deuteronomy 2:2-3.

"One of the biggest things stopping us from moving forward is uncertainty."

Day 186: Live to Win

Today we talked about expecting the best for ourselves and from ourselves, and not writing ourselves off. Yes, today was all about self. We focused on 1 Corinthians 9:24

"Live for something bigger than yourself and don’t write yourself off. You are much more than you think you are. God made you for a reason, live like you believe that."

Day 187: Whose Job Is It

Today we talked about compassion and be ing there for our brothers and sisters. We talked about putting our differences aside and seeing the bigger picture. We talked about stepping up to plate and being there for those in need, having the same compassion for others that Jesus had for us. We focused on Luke 10:25-37, Luke 3:11, Proverbs 3:27, John 15:12, and Galatians 6:2.

"Let’s get to the point where we hold so much compassion in our hearts for our neighbors. That’s how we will be united as a community. When our compassion for one another forces us to put our differences aside and be there, lend a helping hand. When our compassion for one another becomes bigger than our differences, that’s when we will start to make progress. We have to look away from ourselves and our own selfish desires and selfish rules and beliefs and see someone else. Compassion will unite us."

Day 188: Don't Run Away, Deal With It!

Today we talked about facing our problems head on and not running away from them. We talked about getting in touch with our feelings and dealing with them. We focused on James 1:2-4.

"If we want to grow in life we have to learn how to access our true feelings and not shy away from them, no matter what they may be. Pinpoint the problem and face it head on like David did Goliath."

Day 189: It Will All Work Out

Today we talked about Romans 8:28 and how the scripture encourages us to trust that everything will be okay, and know that God is in control.

"One day you won’t have to worry or cry about what’s going on in your life. Know that for those who love God, He is always on our side, He’s in our corner and He’s rooting for us. He’s waiting for that right moment to step in and finish the game. Trust God with all of your heart, it’s all going to work out in your favor. I love you. "

I love you, and I hope you have an amazing day, be sure to go back on what we went through this week and come tomorrow for Day 192!

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