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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day 183: Not Today

Psalms 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

You ever have one of those specific days where you wake up and you can feel it in your bones. You wake up smiling and singing, and you just know, so you say to yourself, “Today is going to be a great day.” You don’t really know what’s going to happen today but you know that today is going to be great. I love those, because it’s one of those days where you aren’t going to let anything bother you, the things that would usually make you mad or upset don’t have any effect today. You’re walking around like Spider-Man when he finally decided to let loose and put the black costume on (I am in no way telling you to go to the dark side). You get up and dress nice, put an extra little pep in your step because you feel good about today. You just feel motivated to do something. Even when something does try to get in your way you curve it by saying, “Not today Satan, not today.”

These are some of my favorite days because while a huge miracle might not happen these days are always marked in my calendar because something good happens, whether it be spiritual, emotional, physical, whatever it may be. Have you ever noticed that these are the days you are tried the most, I mean the most, when all you want to do is have a good day it like all the forces for ruining your day come at you like the paparazzi comes after Justin Bieber. But the thing about it is, there is so much joy in the Lord that nothing can stop you, nothing can get to you because you’re already covered. You just smile for the cameras and keep it moving. So in the words of Hillsong United, “Tell the devil, no not today.”

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. One day I finally understood this scripture. It is a scripture that I would hear my mom say in church every time she got the chance to speak. Every day is great day because the Lord has given it to us, so even on our worst days we can find comfort in knowing that God decided to wake us up this morning, so let’s enjoy it as much as possible.

Wouldn’t it be great if we woke up everyday with the attitude that today is going to be a great day? If we were motivated and feeling good about ourselves every day of our lives. I truly believe that every day can be great, if we choose for it to be. We won’t wake up everyday saying that today will be a great day, some days we have to make that choice. We have to choose to have a good day even when everything is going wrong. We have to choose not to be bothered and let things roll off our shoulders. God made it, it’s a great day, rejoice and be glad in it.

Response/Prayer Time
Take the time to respond to what we talked about today, pray and talk to God, then go and have a great day!

I love you, have an amazing day, really enjoy your day. Share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 184!

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