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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 199: If You Love Me...

John 14:15
If you love me, obey my commandments.

Today let’s talk about loving God. I’m not sure if I speak for everyone when I say this, but sometimes I question my love for God because it’s seems like I’m not doing enough to show Him how much I love Him. I often feel like I’m not doing it right. I think I sike myself out because  I want to love God so much and I do, but sometimes I’m just like, but how do you know? Like do you know His love language? Can I brings Him gifts? What is this crazy thing called love?

It’s a crazy concept because I know I love God, yet I question my love for Him. I want to love God perfectly if that makes sense. Loving God seems like such a complicated thing because we want to do it right? We want to make sure we are loving God the right way. We cannot see Him, so there’s no physical connection, which in my opinion is the best kind of love. The type of love that says I’ve never seen your face, but I know you and I love you. I love you just for who you are. That’s some real love.

I think Jesus telling us exactly how to love Him in the above scripture. You want to show me you love me, here’s how you do it, obey my commands. Listen to my voice, turn your heart to my way. That’s how I will know that you love me. I believe the bible is full of formulas telling us the secrets of life. He’s given us another one, quite simple, if you love me obey me. That simple, He doesn’t say anything else, just obey me. Now if we really love God this will not be a problem. Obeying God means giving some things up, sacrificing some things, turning away from our old ways, but if we love God it won’t be a problem. When I would hear this scripture it would be complicated or used to tell us that we are not living right, and tell us that we aren’t loving God the right way or at all. But that is not what I get from this scripture is Jesus telling us how to live. He’s telling us what to do to show Him our love. I do not think that this scripture is in any way berating the believer for not loving God the right way but instead saying, here’s how you live, here’s how you love.  All you have to do is obey me and I will know that you love me. Live how I have taught you to live and I will know that you love me. That’s how you show me.

Loving God is about obeying Him and following His commands. It’s not complicated or hard because like I said before if we really love God, doing whatever needs to be done to obey should be no problem.


  1. Do you love God?
  2. Do you obey His commands?
  3. Are you willing to sacrifice and do whatever you need to, to make sure that you are obeying Him?

Prayer Time

Allow you answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Talk to God about what it looks like to love Him by obeying His commands. Declare your love for God not just by saying it but by obeying His commands.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 200!

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