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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 93: Recap

It has been a week, it's been a very busy week. Kind of rough, but it has also been a great week. This week has been filled with all types of emotions. I want to apologize for the posts being late on somedays, I have been running around non-stop between school and work. Thank you for reading and sticking with me. We are almost to day 100, and I couldn't be more excited that we've gotten this far, and we are going to push through the year. Thank and I love you.

Day 86: Dare To Love
We started the week off with the 'Dare Series', it was more like a challenge to step outside of or normal lives, and comfort zones and take a chance on something else. It was an extension of the comforts zones devo on day 82. We focused  on John 15:12-13, and Luke 10:30-37. We talked about taking chance on loving people and putting ourselves on the line for the sake of someone else.

"We have to choose as followers of Christ to be the one person to stop and help someone in need. We have to be the person that’s going to take a lost so that someone else can win and in the end it’s not about winning or losing it’s about selfless love."

Day 87: Dare to Live
We continued the series by speaking about truly living and what it means to truly live. Knowing that we live our best lives with Christ. We focused on Proverbs 21:21 and John 10:10. We had to ask ourselves the question what does true living mean or look like to us?

"The scripture tells us that Christ came to give life and give it more abundantly. I think we are afraid to live for Christ because we don’t want to let go of our attachments to this world. We think that we can’t have fun living with Christ. But that is not true, if anything we have more fun, we are more free to live. We have no worries, we are stress free, guilt free, drama free, we are just free.  

Day 88: Dare to Dream
We ended this three day series talking about dreaming, and faring to follow and pursue those thing that we are most passionate about. Also understanding that when we commit our ways to the Lord our plans will be established in Him. We don't have to be pastor's or worship leaders to be in the will of God, that's not everyone's destiny or true calling. We focused on Proverbs 18:16, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, and Proverbs 16:3. 

"Some of us need to be in hospitals, police stations, law firms, on sets and stages, in space, in the classroom, in business meetings etc. Christians actually need to be on the frontline of every outlet. Why do we suppress our passions, and those dreams burning inside of us."

Day 89:Never Forsaken
Today we focused on Psalms 37:25, and really broke the scripture down and got an understanding and even realization of what this scripture means for us in our lives.
"This scripture does more than encourage us by telling us everything is going to be alright, no David is stating facts. He is saying what he has known to be true. God is faithful. I believe that this is something we can all attest to, as for me I can say that God has come through for me every time, even in the times where I had only a drop of faith. He never left me and He never will. "

Day 90: Oh My Soul
Today we continued in Psalms 42:5, 42:11, and 43:5. They scriptures say the same thing with David asking himself, "Oh my soul, why are you downcast?" and then following that question with "Hope in God;..." It begs the question of why we worry about the things God has already figured out?
"We must not forget that the God we serve is; all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful. He is God over the hills and valleys. He’s got us."

Day 91: Who...?
Today we talked about Christ as our intercessor, standing on the right hand of God interceding for us Day in and Day out. We focused on Romans 8:31, and 34. We also talked about God being untouchable and walking in faith knowing that when we have Him on our side, there is no one who is able to come against us.
"We must walk in this confidence knowing that we are not condemned, there is no one on this earth able to do so. No one. Even when we fall, even when we mess up, when we repent God’s love covers our sins. Our sins cannot condemn us, our hearts cannot condemn us, our family, our pastor’s, our friends, no one."

That's it for this week. I love you, I hope you had an amazing week and I hope you have an amazing Day. Share this with someone, catch up if you've missed anything this week, and make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 94!

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