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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Day 109: Help Me Maintain

Psalms 119:28
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.

Today’s devo is inspired by a very honest and beautiful song. The song is called “Maintain” by Jonathan McReynolds and it speaks about needing God and maintaining this life, and wanting to be where He is. My favorite lyric from this song is,  “Yeah you gave me all the weapons but it’s still a fight.” What a profound statement, and how honest it is, that God has given us everything we need to fight the battles we face, but none the less there is still a fight. There are things that we face daily there are battles we have to fight, and they are not the easiest things to go through.  

There are a few quick points to make today.
1. As Christians other people and even sometimes ourselves, we forget that we are human.
Meaning we forget that sometimes we will be weak sometimes we will not want to fight, sometimes we will doubt and that is okay, we are human. We wouldn’t be human is we didn’t have these doubts. It is in those doubts that God will show us just how faithful he is, my friend annisstar told me that. I think we often afraid to show our real feelings  out of fear that we are sinning by having them. The truth is sometimes life is hard and we would rather not deal with it. Sometimes we just want to walk away, sometimes we get tired. We are human, but it is in these moments that we are reminded exactly who it is we serve. We serve a mighty and magnificent God and He won’t leave or forsake us.

2.  We have to fight for what we want.
Some of us have to fight with everything we have, we are fighting day by day just to live, or get up in the morning. We know that God has given us everything we need to fight, we put on the full armour of God, we are equipped with His strength, and reminded of His faithfulness. Yet there is still a fight, we still have to go out and fight. We are fighting for our sanity, our salvation, our relationship with God, our faith. We are fighting everyday to keep our faith. I believe that everyone can agree that sometimes we get tired of fighting, there are moments when we just want to stop. And if I’m being completely honest there are moments when we don’t see the use of fighting anymore. We have faith, and we know God is right there in our corner, hydrating us and strengthening us, but we still have to fight. Even when we’re tired of all the blows, even when we get knocked down we have to get up and keep swinging. We have to fight until we can’t fight anymore and even then God gives us enough strength for one last swing.
Imagine God as our boxing coach, He is our corner, He is strengthening us after every round making sure we are okay to keep fighting. He’s giving us water and healing for the bruises and wounds, and he’s constantly pouring into us. Whenever we open our mouths He’s there with water to hydrate us. The only thing He asks is that we keep fighting. Even when we feel we are losing, keep fighting. Don’t give up, keep those hands up, stand up and fight. Because we are fighting for so much more than a win. We’re fighting for our lives.

Now let me get real honest real quick. We talk a lot about the getting up when we fall, continuing to fight when we’re tired, and continuing even when we don’t have the strength to do so. But what about when we’re on the ground and we don’t want to get up? What about while we’re in the fight, what about our thought process when we are getting tired? There are crazy thoughts we face while we’re in that boxing ring trying to get through another round. We Sometimes getting knocked down takes so long to get up because we are battling on the ground too. It’s easy down there, it’s safe down there, we can escape the pain and the blows. Sometimes we don’t know how to get up. Often we feel like we deserve to be sown there. When we’re knocked down and tired, it sometimes feels like that’s where we need to stay. At times getting up is harder than the fighting itself.  But God… God gives us strength, at our weakest points God gives us  understanding. God gives us peace. Yes we still have to go through the fight, and as hard as it is, we aren’t going through it alone. God is right there, giving us everything we need making sure we come out with a victory. Victory lies in our King and that we can depend on.

3. We just have to keep the faith.
Easier said than done, huh? I know it’s hard. It is especially hard when it seems like God is taking all the time in the world to get to us. One thing is for sure is that He is on the way to you. He always comes right on time. His timing is perfect.  

1 John 5:5
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

We overcome through Christ. At our weakest  moments, that is the time to hold on to Christ the most. These are the times to stretch our faith a bit further. To go that extra mile. It’s the moments when we are the weakest that we find God to be the strongest. The moments when we are doubting that we find God to be faithful. God is always there, we just have to have an ounce of faith.

Matthew 17:20
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
All we need is the faith of a mustard seed. Keep the faith, hold on to it, even if you have to fight with everything you have. It’s worth it. God is so faithful.

Reflection/Prayer Time
Today whatever is on your heart pour it out to God. Whatever you need ask God for it. Take the time to pray for yourself, you know what you need. When you are done, take the time to pray for someone else, whoever is on your heart, just lift them up in prayer today.

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 110!

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