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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Day 114: Recap

Day 107: Your Mistakes Don't Define You 

Today we talked about Peter and the time he denied Jesus. We went through a lot of different scriptures including, John 13:36-38, John 18:17, 25-27, Romans 7:15, John 21:7, 15-17, and Matthew 16:18-19.
"We all make mistakes, we’ve all screwed up in our lives, I know I have pretty bad in my 24 years of living. There is conviction which is from God, that leads us to repentance, and there is self-condemnation or condemnation from others that leads us to regret. One is the right way the other is not so great. God can change a repentant heart, because we are giving our sin up to follow Him."

Day 108: Help Me Maintain

Today we talked about being able to maintain when life is hard, when we know that God gave us the tools but we still have to go through the fight. W focused on Psalms 119:28, 1 John 5:5, and Matthew 17:20.
"We overcome through Christ. At our weakest  moments, that is the time to hold on to Christ the most. These are the times to stretch our faith a bit further. To go that extra mile. It’s the moments when we are the weakest that we find God to be the strongest. The moments when we are doubting that we find God to be faithful. God is always there, we just have to have an ounce of faith. "

Day 109:Strong Enough To Hold
Today we talked about God making sure we are strong enough to hold the magnificent blessings He will hail on our lives, and also knowing that God is the solution to every problem, we just have to choose to obey HIs word. We focused on John 21:1-11.
"There are three things to note in this passage: Problem, instruction, solution. God is the solution to all of our problems but we must listen to and follow His instructions. God always has a solution, it never fails.   
Problem: They had no fish after fishing all night long.
Instruction: Throw the net on the right side of the boat.
Solution: They hauled in 153 fish.
There is a step in between ‘instruction’ and ‘solution’ called obedience, and this is where we decide how the story will end."

Day 110: The God-Shaped Hole in Our Hearts
Today we talked about our desperate need for for God, how we all have this hole in our hearts that can only be filled by God. No one and nothing else can fill it. We focused on Isaiah 45:18 and Genesis 2:7.
" We have that hole in us that only God can fill. It’s His breath that fills our lungs, His Holy Spirit that carries us through every day of our lives. There is nothing and no one that can fill these voids, there is no one else but God. No one else can fit into that hole but Him."

Day 111: TheWay He Loves Us
Today we dived into the story of Hosea and Gomer, and how it is a parallel of our relationship with God. We focused on Hosea 1:2, 3:1-2, and John 3:16.
"The most beautiful part about it all is that God can be angry at us, but He will always look at us and say, “But I love you.” He loves us so much.
God tells Hosea to go love His unfaithful wife. Go find her eventhough she is committing adultery with another man, love her. God doesn’t say leave her, He says love her. And it will be a symbol of how he stills loves israel even though they have turned to different gods. God is not into giving up on His people, even when we deserve to be left out in the desert. He says I will never leave you but I will forever love you."

Day 112: Dare to Fail
Today we talked about taking chances, and giving ourselves a chance at life. Stepping out of our fear and taking a leap, even if that means we fail the first time, we have to get back up and try again. We focused on Proverbs 24:16 and Galatians 1:10.
"Failure isn’t always bad, we learn from these things, we find light in the dark places, because we have to. We grow in the valleys, so when we get to the mountain tops we understand what it took for us to be here. Failure is a part of life, it is also a part of success."

That's all for this week, I love you and I hope you have an amazing week, for those of us heading toward finals week and the end of the semester, I will be praying for you. Enjoy your Sunday and be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 115!

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