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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Monday, April 3, 2017

Day 94: Let's Talk About It- "Forbidden Subjects"

Mark 7:8
You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”

This week we are going have series dedicated to the things you told me you wanted to talk about. These are the forbidden subjects in the church. Yes we will be talking about relationships and sex, which was the main subjects people wanted to talk about. We will also talk about mental health, and other subjects plaguing our generation at the moment. There are things that we need to address and talk about, and this week that is what we are going to do. There are things that are going to be hard to swallow and we have to tough up and take. There will be things that we don’t want to hear, but it is the word of God so we must take it how it is and live the way God has destined us to live.  

We have been following the traditions and laws of man, and have neglected the truth that is in the word. We neglect to speak about certain parts of the bible, or even discuss certain topics because it is uncomfortable and it doesn’t ring holy, in our sense of what holiness is. Well this week will be full of the uncomfortable subjects.

The goal of this week is to open up a discussion or conversation within our this generation of the things that we don’t get to talk about, or the things we told not to speak on. We have to speak the truth, we have to address these things head on or they will continue to be problems within the Christian community.
We have learned to give ourselves completely to God but we cannot do that if we have things laying dormant within us, we must know that we can come to God with anything. No one should tell us that having feelings, or feeling depressed, or wanting to know the why behind why we do and follow these commands, is a sin. It’s not, as we develop a relationship with God, there will be challenges, there will be questions, there will be things that are hard to swallow, and even understand. It is my true belief that God has the answer and He wants to give it to us. We must go to Him, we must seek His face. We must get rid of our shame and pride and lay it all out before God.

Proverbs 4:7 tells us, The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. And some versions say get an understanding.

As Christians, young Christians, we are constantly told what to do and what not to do without any context given about why we cannot or are not supposed to do it. We are just told not to sin, well yes we know that but what do we do when we feel temptations rise, what do we do when we can’t seem to shake the doubt, how about when we’re too far into addiction, or sex is the only thing we want to do. But these are the things we don’t usually talk about because it is forbidden, however there are answers to these questions, there are reasons, and no there will not be an answer for everything. Sometimes there will be things that will not be answered until we are in eternity with Christ, but as for now there are some answers that we can find in His word. There are explanations, and more importantly there is truth, whether we like it or not.
I want to create a space with this series for us to talk about these “Forbidden subjects”. I believe that it is important for us to at least talk about it. So that we can get an understanding of this lifestyle for ourselves.

This was just the intro to this week, please let me know if there are things you would like to talk about or even discuss. Leave comments, open a discussion, talk about it.

I love you, i hope you have an amazing day or evening. Share this with someone, discuss it with someone. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 95!

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