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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 119: The New Generation

Numbers 32:11-12
‘Of all those I rescued from Egypt, no one who is twenty years old or older will ever see the land I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for they have not obeyed me wholeheartedly. The only exceptions are Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua son of Nun, for they have wholeheartedly followed the Lord.’

We are considered the Joshua generation. I’m not sure how many of you have heard this saying before but it seems to be a theme with Pastor’s, when they start talking about our generation specifically. . Being in church around the age of sixteen, when the pastor would talk about our generation they would always say that we are the Joshua or Caleb generation. I didn’t really know what that meant until I opened up my bible and found out.  It is just a biblical way of saying we are the new or next generation to complete the task. To receive the promise and lead our people into the promised land (no pressure). We are the ones who will inherit the blessings of our fathers and do what they could not do.
What’s crazy about the scripture above is that when you think about it, almost everyone who entered the desert died there. They never got to see the promised land, except for Joshua and Caleb. Not even Moses was allowed to enter the Promised Land.
The wilderness generation
The Joshua generation was built differently, they are  different people than the ones who left Egypt, this generation was born in the wilderness, they were born in the desert, this was all they knew. They were born into the rough times, they know what it is truly like to wander around in the desert all your life, because they have been doing it since the day they were born. Seeing that they viewed the desert as home, this is all they have know their entire life. They are the wild children, literally born in the wilderness.
They fought for the Promise
They did not just stroll across the river and enter into the promised land, they had to conquer and claim. They had to build an army and fight for the land God had promised them. They had to strategize and plan, they had to fight for what was already theirs. This land was promised to them long before they were even born. This land was promised to Abraham and his descendants (And we are all descendants of Abraham) God built up a people who were willing to fight and take what is there’s.

They Appreciate the generation before them,
Joshua and Caleb did not takeover and act like everything they ever did they did alone. If they had said that it would have been a blatant lie. They picked up the baton and finished the race, they are the ones completing what their fathers, forefathers, ancestors started. If it had not been for Moses, Aaron and the generation before them they would not be in the position they were in. It was their fathers that had to be led out of Egypt in order for them to enter into the Promised Land. Now they may have held themselves up by constantly disobeying and grumbling against God, He used it for His glory. Through them God raised up and entirely new generation.

We are that generation, we are the generation picking up the baton’s and finishing the race. We were born in a crazy era, and we are here to fight for the promise.

Today I gave a lot of context and not much opinion, and that was on purpose. I want you to respond, go through and read the stories. How do you feel about being compared to Joshua and Caleb generation? Do you think this generation is up for the task? Take what was talked about today and put in modern times. Do we have a task to complete?
Overall how do you relate to the text?

Prayer Time
Talk to God about this current generation, pray for our generation and ask God for guidance and direction for yourself but also for our peers.

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Share this with someone, start a discussion, and make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 120!  

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