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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Day 99: God Brought Me This Far...

Philippians 1:6
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
God is faithful, this is a fact and it is something we have come to know and learn through experience. We know that everything God starts He will finish, we know that He will see us through whatever it is we are going through. He guides us through this crazy yet beautiful life. As Paul says, ‘I am sure of this..’ God doesn’t start something that He won’t finish, that’s not how He works. We know that He will complete every good work He has started in us, in this nation, in the world. It will all be completed, and His promises will be fulfilled.
1 Timothy 6:6
But Godliness with contentment is great gain.
A lot of times I thank God for where He is taking me. Especially when I feel the pressure to worry about how my life will turn out and how it will all work out. I find myself saying all the time, “God got me here, He will take me all the way.” “He didn’t bring me this far to leave me.” I say these words as a declaration of faith and trust in my Lord and Savior. I say that out of pure belief knowing that if He did it before He can do it again. Knowing that He holds to His word and it will be fulfilled in my life. While this is beautiful and something that I will stand on all the days of my life, I believe that something changed in me when I learned how to be thankful for where I am in this present moment. When I took my eyes off of where I’m going and focused on where I am. I had to learn to thank God for the present as much, if not more than I thank Him for my future. I had to learn to have faith in where God is taking me but also being content with where I am. Because He brought me this far. God brought me here for a reason and I’m not just passing through, I am here. I think our generation believes that we can't be happy until we are where we want to be. We base our happiness on our “success” We aren’t content with the present, we are constantly moving and rushing towards the future because that’s where we want to be, and we miss the adventures and the beauty of where we are. If we are constantly running for the future and what is ahead of us, we will never have time to stop and enjoy the present because we are constantly moving. It won’t allow us to stop, because at one point the past and the present were the future, and if we keep rushing through them because we want something more, we will miss what God is doing right in front of our eyes. We must understand that God has us here for a reason. This might be a stepping stone to where He is taking us but it matters just as much as the destination. The future is bright the destination is beautiful but can we be happy with where we are before we get there? Can we be faithful with the little things, and appreciate the little steps?
  1. Are you content with where you are?
  2. Do you find yourself constantly running towards the future?
  3. Can you stop and thank God for where you are?
Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Take the time today to thank God for where you are in this time on your life. Thank God for the very moment.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Make sure you share this with someone and come back tomorrow for day 100!

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