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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Day 88: Dare to Live!

Today we’re going to continue this little series, talking about daring to live.
As young people we are on this constant search to live the best life we can, but many times we are reaching for that life we are not living it. But why not, why not live our best lives now, we have an idea of what a good life looks likes and anything short of that is not what we would consider a good life.  But I think living our best life means living knowing that we will spend eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We don’t have to reach for that life, we can live it right now, it was freely given to us 2500 years ago when Jesus died on the cross.  Truly living is living with the Lord everyday, that’s a good life.

Proverbs 21:21
Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
We have to ask ourselves what it means to actually live and what a good life looks like? When we are living with and for Christ that is when we are truly living.  When we pursue righteousness and kindness we will find life, that’s what the scripture tells us. Too many times I have had conversations with young people who have said they are going to wait until they are older to give their life to Christ. When asked why they had this mindset, their response would always be, “I just want to live.” I was always astounded by that response because Christ is life, we are not truly living until we are living in Him. It confuses me that so many people look at this lifestyle as an end to something, my friends it is the very beginning to an eternity, When we think that giving our lives to Christ will result in us not being able to live we must re-evaluate what it is that we view as truly living.
The scripture tells us that Christ came to give life and give it more abundantly. I think we are afraid to live for Christ because we don’t want to let go of our attachments to this world. We think that we can’t have fun living with Christ. But that is not true, if anything we have more fun, we are more free to live. We have no worries, we are stress free, guilt free, drama free, we are just free.  
I want to challenge everyone today to dare to live. Dare to give our lives to Christ, dare to give up what we think is living for what is truly living. Dare to pursue righteousness and live. What we don’t understand is that Christ is the key to the beginning of life and the end to eternal damnation. When we make the choice to live with and for Christ, we make the choice to live. Not only are we living for the moment but we are committed to an eternity. Living for Christ is living our best life. It is the best life we could ask for. It was given to us by Christ laying down His life. When someone lays down their life for us, it is only natural to want to live for them. He came to give us life, why do we act like it’s not real. Why do we push it aside until we decide it’s time to get right. We tend to push Christ to the side and only pick Him up when we need Him. We bargain with Him, “IF you do this, then I will live right.” I wonder what would have happened if Jesus had that same attitude toward us, what if he decided that he wasn’t going to lay down His until we all decided to believe in Him. Oh, we would not be saved. But Christ dared to lay down His life for a people full of sin. He dared to give His life for people He knew would never give their life to Him, because His love for us is just that great. So why can’t we live for Him. Why can’t we accept the life He has given us. Why are we obsessed with the idea of living outside of Christ, and when we’re done, then we’ll decide to settle down with the Lord. We must understand that life outside of Christ is not truly life at all, it is damnation. The only life worth living is one that is subject to the will of the Lord, one that is committed to Him and his Kingdom. That’s living.
  1. What is your definition of living?
  2. Are you trying to live your life outside of Christ?
  3. How different would your life look if you dared to live for Him?
Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Ask God to help you understand that the only life worth living is one that is dedicated to Him.
I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 89!

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