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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 121: Recap

I apologize for today's devo being so late. I am prepping for finals week, and writing a lot of papers. I will make sure that they are on time this week. Thank you for your constant support and here is this week's recap.

Day 114: Bend But Don't Break

Today we talked about how God has made us unbreakable. We talked about the idea of the way palm trees bend very far but they never break, they can stand through the worst of storms. We focused on Isaiah 54:17, Matthew 13:3-6, 2 Corinthians 4:9. 

"If we are not deeply rooted in Christ it is easy to fall because there is nothing holding us down. It’s not the strength of the tree itself that keeps it standing, but the roots that hold it up and keeps it from falling. If there are no roots than it might as well be a tumbleweed heading in whatever direction the wind blows."

Day 115: Living Far from God

Today we talked about living far away from God, and professing with our lips but our hearts are far from it. We focused on Matthew 15:8, Hosea 6:6, and Psalms 73:26-28.

"We as the body of Christ are on a constant search to bring these perishing souls to Christ. Sometimes we have to stop and take a look in the places where the Christians are, there are souls perishing from the pews they sit in every Sunday."

Day 116: Stepping in the Desert

Today we started an unintentional series about the Exodus, as the Israelites left Egypt and stepped into the desert on their way to the promised land. We focused on Exodus 14:10-14, Exodus 16:3, an Numbers 14:4.

" Not only did God make a way  for them to cross the Red Sea and out of bondage, He drowned all the oppressors in the Sea. They could no longer pursue the people of Israel. There was no one to come and take them back, if they went it was solely their choice."

Day 117: Walking Through the Desert

Today we talked about what happened as the Israelites went through the desert on their journey to the promised land. We focused on Deuteronomy 8:2.

"We cannot skip over what it takes to get to where we are or where we are going, there’s always going to be a journey and it is in these desert places that we grow the most."

Day 118: The New Generation

Today we talked about the new generation that would lead the people into the Promised Land. We talked about how millennials are often called the Joshua and Caleb generation. Today was more about response to the passage. We focused on Number 32:11-12.

"The Joshua generation was built differently, they are  different people than the ones who left Egypt, this generation was born in the wilderness, they were born in the desert, this was all they knew. They were born into the rough times, they know what it is truly like to wander around in the desert all your life, because they have been doing it since the day they were born."

Day 119: The Courage to Act

Today we talked about David and Goliath and how sometimes all we need is a little courage. We focused on 1 Chronicles 28:20, Deuteronomy 31:6, and Joshua 1:6 and 9.

"We have to have faith in God, and know that apart from him we can do nothing. I know it’s scary and sometimes we have to put ourselves directly in the crossfire. Sometimes we have to run straight into the face of danger in order to defeat it. We have to be strong and courageous, as God tells Joshua."

I love I hope you had an amazing day, I apologize again for the lateness, but thank you for your patience, and make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 122. Pray for me as I go into finals week and I will be praying for everyone going through this horrendous and crazy busy week.

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