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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Day 100: Recap

Day 93: Let's Talk About It - "Forbidden Subjects"

We started the week by kicking off the "Let's Talk About It" Series. This series was dedicated to the things you told me you wanted to talk about. This series is meant to start a conversation and talk about the things that are usually pushed to the side in church. I call these forbidden subjects, because they are often pushed off as sin and when they are talked about it is very cautious, we don't want to get too deep. Well we rebutted that ting week and talked about it.  We focused on Mark 7:8 today.

Day 94: Let's Talk About It -"Broken People"

Today we focused on Psalms 34:28, and 147:3. We talked about how we have so many people including ourselves walking around broken and how sometimes people tend to overlook it.
"We live in an era where everything must be okay, and when it’s not we put up a facade. This generation has the best poker faces I have ever seen. Because we don’t have time to deal with people who are really suffering, even if that means we ignore our own pain. We don’t have time to dig deep down to the root of our issues and be healed by God. We cover it up with a band-aid until the infection spreads and we can no longer hide it. "

Day 95: Let's Talk About It - "Single and Waiting on God"

Today's devo was dedicated to my single people. Being single is a great reward as we use the time to really find ourselves in Christ and be defined by who He is. However there is a flip side to being in your twenties and single, it gets lonely. We focused on a few scriptures today, 1 Corinthians 7:32-34, Matthew 5: 27-28, and Ecclesiastes 3:1.
"I am well aware of how hard it is to be single sometimes. Most of the time it’s good, we are enjoying life without the worries of being attached to anyone. We are enjoying building friendships and platonic relationships. We’re enjoying finding ourselves and learning more about ourselves everyday,  but some days it’s just hard not to be lonely. A lot of times this loneliness is brought on by sexual urges, and let me tell you, they will blindside you. We have to make sure that we are covered with the full armor of God, because these ditches of temptation are the hardest to jump over."

Day 96: Let's Talk About - "Relationships and Sex"

Today was dedicated to our people in relationships and we talked about sex. We focused on Song of Solomon 8:7, Matthew6:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14, 18-19.
"Romance and love is a big part of many of our lives at the moment, rather we are dating, in a committed relationship, engaged to be married, or married already. I think the biggest questions we have when it comes to question is, what is a Godly relationship, and how do we have one. The first step to having a relationship with anyone else is having a relationship with God, and finding our worth and identity within Him. Same as yesterday, there are a few topics of discussion. "

Day 97: Let's Talk About It - "Why We Serve God"

Today we lightened the subjects up a little bit, stepped into the semi shallow ends of the pool. We talked about why we serve God. We focused on Genesis 2:7, 1 John 4:19, and John 3:16.
"I have learned that I am nothing without God. I don’t exist without Him and I cannot live apart from Him. I have seen God’s faithfulness first hand, and I have learned to trust him more and more with my life. God is the only person who has never let me down. God is the only person who is constantly there for me even when I didn’t acknowledge His presence in my life. I need God every second of everyday."

Day 98: God Brought Me This Far...

Today we talked about being grateful for where God has us, because we often focus on where we are going but we must learn to dwell in the moment, as it was one where we're going. We focused on Philippians 1:6 and 1 Timothy 6:6.
"I think our generation believes that we can't be happy until we are where we want to be. We base our happiness on our “success” We aren’t content with the present, we are constantly moving and rushing towards the future because that’s where we want to be, and we miss the adventures and the beauty of where we are. If we are constantly running for the future and what is ahead of us, we will never have time to stop and enjoy the present because we are constantly moving. It won’t allow us to stop, because at one point the past and the present were the future, and if we keep rushing through them because we want something more, we will miss what God is doing right in front of our eyes."

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Make sure you share this with someone and be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 101! HappySunday everyone!

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