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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 111: The God-Shaped Hole in Our Hearts

A while ago, someone told me that we all have a God-shaped  hole in our hearts and until it is filled with God we will forever be searching for a permanent fulfillment that we can only find in Christ. They said that, we can try to fill this hole with a number of other things and we do, but they will only provide temporary fulfillment. There is a constant hunger within us, and until we turn to Christ it will never be satisfied. A lot of times we need God without knowing it, once we come to Christ we truly understand just how much we need Him. We cannot survive without Him.
Isaiah 45;18
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), "I am the LORD, and there is none else.

As I stated above, there is a hunger in all of us that can only be satisfied by God. And as the last part of the scripture above states, “I am the Lord, and there is no one else”. There is no one else that can give us what God has given us. So often we walk around hollow, empty, because we are searching for something. We are looking for satisfaction, or purpose, and we find ourselves lost  because we’ve looked everywhere and nothing seems to be the right fit. Nothing seems to rub us the right way, or scratch that itch. We are looking past or even turning away from the only person able to fulfill, or quench that thirst. Until we turn to Christ, until we give our lives to Him, we will forever fight the emptiness within us. God is the one person that can give instruction when there seems no way, hope when it seems all is lost, strength when we are weak. Only God can do that, there is no one else. There is no amount of drinks we can have to fill the voids, no relationship with any person, no drug, no amount of sex, no amount of money, no matter how many jobs we work or how successful we are. If we don’t have God there will always be a sort of emptiness in us. When all's said and done, when we are at our lowest or if we were to lose everything we have, we can still live in the hope of Jesus Christ. He can sustain us in the worst of times. He provides what no one or nothing cannot, eternity. He gives us eternal life, eternal joy, and peace. Somehow when we are going through hell on earth we can still find an ounce of peace, or joy. Because God inhabits our hearts. He has filled us with His Holy Spirit, and everyday we walk with Christ knowing that we are covered from the inside out. The Holy Spirit is with us and guides us throughout our days, giving us peace and joy and fighting off the things that are unlike God. When Jesus ascended into heaven God didn’t just leave us alone to fend for ourselves, He sent His spirit. So that no matter where we are or what we are going through He is there with us.

Genesis 2:7

then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

There is no way that we can live without God, He literally blew life into our nostrils. We live because He decided to give us His breath. We cannot live apart from Him. There will always be a need for Him. No matter how far we try to run from God or how lost we feel we will always be connected to Him, even if just by a breath. We know that we are in need of God if we just stop and breathe, and refer back to His word that tells us that He blew the breath of life into our nostrils. It is like an artist and it’s work, the creation will always be connected to the creator. The creation does not exist or live with the creator or artist.  However, the creator exists without the creation. We are God’s creation, we do not exist without him. Without his hand we have no form, without His breath we have no life. We cannot live apart from Him, we can try and we will see how much of a mistake it is to think that something like that could happen.

All this to say, is that we are in constant need of our LOrd and Savior. We have that hole in us that only God can fill. It’s His breath that fills our lungs, His Holy Spirit that carries us through every day of our lives. There is nothing and no one that can fill these voids, there is no one else but God. No one else can fit into that hole but Him.
  1. Do you or have you ever felt empty/hollow?
  2. Have you tried or are you trying to find satisfaction in something or someone other than God?

Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Maybe you are walking around empty or feeling lost, take that heart and give it to God today. Know that everything you need is in Him. Talk to God, pour your heart out to Him even if that means just crying out to Him. Maybe you know someone who is going through this, lift them up in prayer today, ask God to touch their heart, and if you feel lead to, pray with them.

I love you so much, and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for day 112!

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