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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Day 156: Recap

Day 149: Family Matters

Today we talked about how much our biological families matter to us, and how important it is not to neglect them for a spirtual family. We focused on Proverbs 6:20, 1 John 4:20, Psalms 133:31, and Ephesians 6:4.
"God instructs us to love our neighbor, our neighbor is our blood brother and sister, our first and second cousins. We are called to love our family as ourselves as well. As Christians, we often look outside of our family and home base for people to love, but they are right in the next room. They are the families we were born into."

Day 150: The Value of God's Word

Today we went through Psalms 119 and explored the value of God's word, as the writer of Psalms 119 did. We focused on many scriptures in Psalms 119. Psalms 119: 72, 105, 127, 130, 160, 165, 103, and 104.

"It is so important to live by the word of God and stand firm on His promises but when we choose to see the value of it and the need for it. We must choose to live for Christ and obey His word.
Creation hasn’t moved since he spoke it into existence"

Day 151: Loose Grip on Plans

Today we talked about planning but allowing God to direct our steps, and even allowing Him to change our plans and trusting that they are so much better than what we could ever come up with.
We focused on Proverbs 16:9.
"We have to know that wherever our foot lands, it’s exactly where God wants us to be."
" Sometimes interrupted plans are better than the original."

Day 152: The Message not the Messenger

Today we talked about the importance of the message and not focusing on the messenger. How we often miss the message because we are so focused on the messenger. We focused on John 3:16-17 and John 10:10.
"We are all vessels of God, and He uses us and our lives and testimonies to spread His word and save other people. It doesn’t matter what you look like, or where you come from, if you have given your life to Christ you are a vessel for His message."

Day 153: I Have this Hope

Today we talked about the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, the hope that we can look towards in the midst of doubt and advesity. We focused on Psalms 3:2-6.
"We have this hope that even in our darkest hour God is our light, even at our lowest moment God’s surrounds us with His love and peace."

Day 154: It Can't All Be For Nothing

Today we talked about the purpose God has for us here on Earth. We focused on John 3:16, and highlighted the drastic measures God took so that we may have a relationship with Him.

"We cannot go through life being so focused on heaven that we are no good to the earth. While we’re here God has given us a purpose, He gave us this life for a reason. He sent His son for a reason. He wouldn’t go through all of that for nothing. Don’t throw it all away."

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day. Be sure to enjoy yourday and come back tomorrow for Day 157!

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