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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Friday, June 16, 2017

Day 168: Crown of Thorns

John 19:2
And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe.

The most amazing thing about this scripture is that Jesus, the Messiah and King of all Kings who was once and will be, crowned in glory was crowned in thorns. The one who should have been given the greatest crown known to man was given thorns instead, It’s crazy. But Jesus is so humble the He gave up His throne in heaven and came down to earth to take a crown of thorns for our sake. But, even with the crown of thorns on His head He was glorified as the Son of God.  The craziest part is, He wore it with humility. He never complained about this crown, he took it because he knew that even with this crown on His head He was still doing the will of God.

What I want to point out in this scripture is that Jesus as glorified as He was, the holiest man to ever walk this earth. The man that people had been waiting on for centuries, when He finally came He had to endure the worst death known to man and was, in a sick way, coronated with a crown of thorns.

We might just have to wear a crown of thorns before we can ever get a crown of jewels. In order for Jesus to get back to His throne in heaven he had to endure the crown of thorns and the cross. Jesus had to take on the death of humanity in order to provide life. He had to be mocked and beat and spit on in order to return to His throne in heaven. Because that’s what He came here to do, that’s what He gave up His throne in heaven for. The beauty in it all is that even when He was nailed to that cross He was still Jesus. Even when they beat Him, he was still Jesus. Even when they pressed the thorns into His head he was still Jesus. None of this changed the fact that He was the Lord of Lords and the Kings of kings. None this could stop the fact that He was the Son of Man. I think many time we don’t like to go through the hard moments and the low points in life because we don’t want to be labeled or branded based on what we are going through. The times we try to hide the most is when we are going through hard times, we try to cover it up. Now I completely understand it, it’s hard enough going through stuff with just us, but it’s even harder going through it in front of people. But that’s what Jesus did, everything He went through, everything He endured He endured in front of an audience and He did it with so much humility and grace. We can take this example from Jesus when we are going through hard times and when we have to suffer in front of people or even alone. It’s in these moment where we will either learn true humility or build walls of pride.

We have to learn to enjoy humble beginnings because it will prepare us for what is to come.  We will have to endure some hard times in life before we get to the parts of our lives we want to share with everyone. We have to take some small steps, endure some hard times before we get to where we want to be. We might have to wear a crown of thorns before we get the crown of glory. We have to wear it humbly and not complain. I say this because there are many times in life when we will have to be brought low before we can ever know what’s it like to rise up and be on top.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to respond however you feel led. Examine the parts of your life where you are struggling and ask God to help you. Ask God for humility and the ability to appreciate the small steps. Be reminded of the crown of thorns Jesus wore.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening, Be sure to follow the blog, share it, and come back tomorrow for day 169!

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