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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 172: One Heart, One Soul, One Love- Day 2

Acts 28:2
The native people showed us unusual kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed us all, because it had begun to rain and was cold.

The most interesting statement in this scripture is “unusual kindness”. Meaning the kindness that these native people of Malta showed them was rare, it was strange. This wasn’t the type of kindness you would experience everyday especially being a stranger in a new land. However, just because the kindness was unusual and strange does not mean that it was not good. It was really good actually. They saw people in need, they saw people who needed help and gave them a helping hand.

I think we can adopt this act of kindness from the natives of Malta. We live a world where a kind gesture is sometimes so rare that we don’t know how to accept it. We live in a world that is so self-centered and all about how we feel without considering anyone else. Let’s rebuttal that today. Let’s adopt this idea of unusual kindness. Give someone a helping hand that is in the need of it. Or just a simple kind gesture, it can go a long way. There are so many people in this world who are hurting and just need someone to talk to them or smile at them or see them as a human being. Let’s be the people to do that. Let’s be kind to everyone we come across, we never know how much it can help someone. We are here to spread love and one of the ways we can do that is being kind to someone. It’s so simple yet so big, and can mean the world to anyone.

One of the things plaguing our country right now is the refugee issue, the travel ban for muslim people, and the want to build a wall in order to keep people from coming into America. I know that not everyone has the same views, but I do believe that everyone should be treated equally, and have basic human rights. People are in need of help they are fleeing war and destruction in their own country and seeking a place of refuge and they should not be denied. People should not be denied and shunned based on their beliefs or race. When we made a vow to love unconditionally it means that we love all people, no one is off limits. Know that there are people who have it so hard everyday and they could use a break.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time today to lend a helping hand to someone, have a conversation with someone, see how their day is going. Take the time to pray for those affected by the laws and bans put in order in our country. Pray for your country and it’s people and be nice to people today. We could all use it, some more than others,

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day. Don’t forget to lend a helping hand to someone and be kind today. Share this and be sure to come back tomorrow for day 173!

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