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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Day 167: But What You Didn't Know

Acts 3:17-18
And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled

Ignorance: Lack of knowledge

You ever think something is going one way and it turns out it was going another way all along. You ever realize after the fact that God was planning something, or that everything that had taken place was a part of God’s plan. A lot of times these things don’t look like or seem like they are part of God’s plan because it doesn’t seem like God will allow things like this to happen. I’m a firm believer that God will use bad things in our life to show us how good He is. When we don’t understand what God is doing or how His plan is being fulfilled in our life, we just keep going, don’t let go because sooner than later everything will be revealed. There’s a great picture that He’s painting and we’ll have to endure some things we don’t quite understand before we can see it in its fulness.  

I think that this is what many of the people were experiencing when they were taunting Jesus and mocking Him and crucifying Him. What was going on was so unorthodox that they couldn’t handle it. How could God send a mere man to save humanity, What Jesus was doing, was not what people were used to seeing in that time. In their eyes Jesus was a rebel. What they didn’t know was that this man was fully God and fully man. They thought they were doing something by crucifying Jesus. They thought they were right when He didn’t come down off the cross, but what they didn’t know was that everything, including what they were doing was part of God’s plan. It was not until after He died that they realized that Jesus was the true Messiah all along. It wasn’t until He was resurrected that people started to truly believe that He was who He said He was. As everything that the prophets had foretold had come to pass. Everything that Jesus told them had proven to be true.

Sometimes we don’t always see what God is doing until it’s all over. The craziest thing is when we finally see the bigger picture and we start to piece together the pieces of our lives that played a role in where we are today, it’s mindblowing and amazing, because we will start to understand not only how good God is, but also that He has His hand on us every second of our lives. He never lets go and He never leaves. We realize that God’s plan will always be fulfilled in our lives, even when we think it’s not part of His plan, trust me, it is.


  1. Are there areas in your life where you think, “This cannot be part of God’s plan”?
  2. What are they?
  3. HAve you ever had a moment of revelation where you realize that God’s hand was on you all along? If so, what was it like?

Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Talk to God about His plan in your life and submit to whatever that is.

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone, hit that follow button and come back tomorrow for Day 168!

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