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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 159: Give What You Got

Acts 3:1-7
Peter and John went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o’clock prayer service. As they approached the Temple, a man lame from birth was being carried in. Each day he was put beside the Temple gate, the one called the Beautiful Gate, so he could beg from the people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money. Peter and John looked at him intently, and Peter said, “Look at us!” The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting some money. But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up. And as he did, the man’s feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God, he went into the Temple with them.
Something that stands out to me about this passage, that was actually pointed out by pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr., is that Peter and John didn’t have what the man was looking for but they had what He needed, Jesus. This man had been sitting by this gate called beautiful probably for as long as he could remember each day, begging for money from any and everyone that passed by. But one day he asked the right people and didn’t get what he originally wanted but what he needed. I’m going to say that he probably got what he had been wanting his whole life. He was able to walk, something he had never experienced. I think we can take two points from this story, from the perspective of the lame man but also from Peter and John.
Peter and John could have, one walked past this man, they could have just told him no and kept going, or could have tried to give him anything they had to help. But because they were willing to stop, this man was healed. Because they were willing to say, I don’t have and silver or gold, but I will give you what I have.  Now that last point is what I want to focus on. They didn’t have any money to give them but they offered him Jesus. Peter and John may not have had what he was asking for but they definitely had what he needed. Which leads me to the title of today’s devo, we have to give what we got. We might not have everything we think we need, to help people we may not have what people are asking for but we at least have something. We have something we can give, we can share Jesus with them. We might not have everything they’re looking for but we can lend a helping hand, we can pray with them, we can sit with them. We can do something. We don’t have to wait until we have everything or a lot of money to do something, if we have Jesus we have the greatest gift there is, and there’s nothing better than sharing Jesus with someone, and giving them the hope and peace and love you have experienced through Him.  
This reminds me of photos that shows a little girl holding a heart and putting in the hand of God. The caption says, “It’s not much, but it’s all I have.” One thing I try to do with everything in my especially my relationship with God, is give my all. Even if it’s close to nothing, We should learn to adapt to this way of living, that even if we don’t have everything we give what we have. A lot of times I have heard christians say that they want to get themselves together before coming to God. If that were possible we’d never come to Him, we have to come baring it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the down right out of line. We have to give our all to Him. We give our hearts to Him even if they’re broken and in pieces. We give Him every part of us, even if it’s incomplete, He will complete us.
The second point to make is that sometimes when we ask for things, we might not get exactly what we want but we definitely get exactly what we need. Sometimes we will get more than what we ask for. The man wanted money, but He needed Jesus, he also needed to walk. I’m sure he wanted to walk as well. It’s a blessing when God honors a need over a want, because it can end up changing our lives. This man who had never walked a day in his life stood up and walked because the power of Jesus Christ was spoken over him. He asked for money but he got Jesus, his legs got strength and he walked again. I can guaruntee you that this man would have taken the healing of his legs over money any day, that’s something money could never do. I love the excitement in those last few phrases; the punctuation, exclamation points, and just the excitement over all. He leaped for joy and praised God. Thousands of people probably passed him every day and millions over a lifetime, but one day Jesus sent the right people and his life changed forever.
We have to give everything we have to God first and His people. We may not have everything but we have something and we can use that to forward His kingdom. We can give something, no matter how big or small, we all have something to offer. Give what you have and see how God works.

Prayer Time
Talk to God about what we talked about today, take the time to give Him all of your attention and everything you can offer to Him. Just take the time to spend with Him today, converse with Him.

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 160!

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