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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Day 176: One Heart, One Soul, One Love- Day 6

Deuteronomy 7:21
You shall not be in dread of them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.

Recently there was a terrorist attack at the venue where Ariana Grande was having her concert. The attack claimed the lives of many people including an eight year old. THe attack was the deadliest UK attack since 2005. It devastated and scared a nation, and was devastating all over the world. However what Ariana Grande did to give back to this country was nothing less than beautiful. Although one performance seemed to take the cake, and that is Justin Bieber’s performance. Where he reassured the people of this country that God is always in the midst. He stood on the stage of a stadium and declared that even in all this havoc and trouble, he won't let go of God. And i quote,

“God is good in the midst of the darkness. God is good in the midst of the evil. God is in the midst, no matter what’s happening in the world. God is in the midst and He loves you. He’s here for you.”
-Justin Bieber

In all the craziness that goes on in the world we should be reminded that God is in the midst. Even when darkness seems to take over, God is the light that breaks it up. There is a hope in Jesus that we must hold on to. We can’t let go of hope because sometimes it’s the only thing getting us out of bed in the morning. I know things are crazy and people are suffering all over the world. One of the most conflicting questions I get is, “If God is so good why do bad things happen?” or “Why are there children starving all over the world.” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” It’s conflicting because sometimes I honestly have the same questions, but I know that God is good I know that even though bad things happen God is in the midst. I know that He has a plan. I know that all the bad in the world is a result of the fall, when sin entered the world through man. With that being said, bad things happen, and they happen to good people. But, whatever happens God is in the midst. I am reminded of Jesus and the disciples and how they suffered for the gospel. How they were martyrs and find hope because there is satisfaction and peace in eternity with Christ. So all we have to do is survive the world all we have to do is thrive here now through the good, bad, and the ugly and eternity will be more peaceful and fulfilling than we could ever imagine. We must have faith in that, and find comfort in knowing that even though the world can be evil and corrupt, we serve a good and incorruptible God.

Response/Prayer Time

Respond however you feel led, and pray through that response. Talk to God about what we discussed today. Take the time to open your heart to Him and talk to Him. As this series comes to a close, pray for the world, pray for humanity and pray for yourself.

I love you and I want you to have an amazing day or evening. Keep me in your prayers and I will pray for you. I love you. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 177!

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