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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Day 170: Recap!

Day 163: When Fear Is Good

Today we talked about how fear can be a good thing and how it can drive our faith. We focused on Psalms 56:3 and Proverbs 9:10.

"Fear turns us to God. Fear moves us to act. Fear does something to us that bravery can’t, it reveals our weakness, and therefore our need for God, in whom we get our strength and courage."

Day 164: We Don't Have Forever

Today we talked about we don't have forever to get things going or moving in our lives as well as how things in our lives don't last forever. We talked about how to cherish the moments we have be cause we know that time won't slow down for us. We focused on Psalms 146:2 and 4.

"Everything has an end, nothing lasts forever. I believe that God places us where we are for a reason. Where we are is exactly where He wants us to be. He has us where we are whether it’s for a season or a lifetime. It’s his plan. While we’re there we must make the most of it. Cherish the time we have because like I said, and I can’t stress enough, it doesn’t last forever."

Day 165: It Was Impossible

Today we talked how it was impossible for Jesus to be held by the chains of death, and how He defeated death on our behalf. We focused on Acts 2:24, John 10:17-18 and John 14:6.

" Jesus came and took on our invisible battles, He came and fought a fight that one, we could not win, and two, a fight that we could not see we were losing."

Day 166: But What You Didn't Know

Today we talked about the bigger picture that we sometimes don't see until alls said and done. How we don't understand what God is doing until He is done. We focused on Acts 3:17-18.

" The craziest thing is when we finally see the bigger picture and we start to piece together the pieces of our lives that played a role in where we are today, it’s mind-blowing and amazing, because we will start to understand not only how good God is, but also that He has His hand on us every second of our lives. "

Day 167: Crown of Thorns

Today we talked about humble beginnings and how Jesus wore a crown of thorns before He ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father. We focused on John 19:2.

"We have to learn to enjoy humble beginnings because it will prepare us for what is to come.  We will have to endure some hard times in life before we get to the parts of our lives we want to share with everyone."

Day 168: If This Is God

Today we talked about the apostles being persecuted and put in prison. We talked about how the word of God is not only unstoppable but incorruptible. We focused on Acts 5:33-42.

"There is something and someone that we can trust in that is untouchable. That is a beautiful thing. We live in a very corruptible world, where everything including humanity can be tainted. It’s wonderful to trust in or have faith in something that can’t be corrupted even in a world full of corruption."

I love you all and thank you for sticking with me this far, we are almost halfway through and every day has been wonderful as well as challenging. Some days are harder than others, but I am beyond grateful God has trusted me with something so beautiful and magnificent. Thank you again and Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there. You are amazing. Enjoy you day with you father or as a father, or spend the day, like me, remembering your father. I love you, have an amazing day. Be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 171!

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