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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 171: One Heart, One Soul, One Love- Day 1

Acts 4:32
Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and one soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.  

I love that the first churches were so big on community. The community was the church, and they came together as one. They came and brought everything they had, they sold their possessions and brought the money to the church. This was so that no one in the community went without. They did this so that the widows would have food to eat. No one took anything for themself, if they had it, the community had it. If they were blessed so was the community. This was a place that thrived on helping others, being there and making sure the people had what they needed. They gave up what was rightfully theirs, denied it as a possession so that someone else could have whatever it was they stood in the need of.

I think it’s time for the church to step back into that. The world is in need of love, hope, peace. As Christians we will stand up and spread love and positivity throughout the nations. Helping one another, praying for another and doing whatever we can. Our world needs it, especially right now.

This week is all about spreading love and positivity. There is so much going on in the world and if there is anything people need, it’s a bit of love, kindness, and positivity. So this week we will spread love by supporting one another. Praying for every nation, praying for those that are oppressed and the oppressors. Educating ourselves on the issues facing the world right now. We are doing this because there is so much chaos, terrorism, and hate that the only thing we have to lean on is love. It is about being there for our brothers and sisters, and loving them, whether we agree with their lifestyle or not. Our job is to love not judge. This week we will put our differences aside and stand with our brothers and sisters who are hurting, because we are of one body, one heart, and one soul. When one of us is hurting, we are all there to lift them up, we are there hurting with them. We can’t thrive when our brother or sister is being oppressed or suffering as a result of what is going on in this world. We have to move as one body and heal whatever part is broken. The world is hurting, the world is falling apart, and as the body of Christ it is our duty to see that God’s people know that there is hope in Him. It is our duty to help those that have fallen, and those that are hurting. So that is what we will do.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to respond however you feel led. Read through the news, educate yourself on what’s going on and begin to pray for the world. Choose a cause to support, choose an area or a few  to pray for this week. Everything from terrorism, Gun Violence, Racism, the government, the environment, poverty, hunger, rape culture, police brutality, etc. Pray for the world and pray for whatever you choose throughout the week.

I love you so much, I want you to have an amazing day and evening. Tell someone you love them today. Put a smile on someone’s face. Be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 172!

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