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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Day 155: It Can't All Be for Nothing

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

When I think of the Gospel and the measures God took for us to have life, I am reminded of how much He loves us. I am reminded that He wants a relationship with us so bad that He went through the trouble of seeing His own son persecuted on our behalf. He turned His back on His child so that we can live a life free of sin, so that we may have a relationship with Him. But also that we may have eternal life when our life here on earth is over. Today I want to talk about the importance of our life here on earth. God took a lot of drastic measures to assure that we can have a life full of freedom and purpose. That we may live an abundant life, here on earth.

I’ve heard pastor’s say that our life on earth doesn’t matter because we have a life that will be spent in eternity with God. With all due respect, I must disagree, it is how we live our life on earth that will determine if we get to spend eternity with God. Secondly, if our lives on earth weren’t that important why did God send His Son to die for the sins of humanity so that we didn’t have to. He could have let our sin kill us, but He didn’t He decided to save us and give us a straight connection to Him.

From the beginning of time, God has meant for us to have purpose and life here on Earth. From the creation, one thing I notice is that He created man last as if He was preparing the earth for man. Providing them with means of food, water, and work. Then when He created man, He gave them dominion over the earth. He then blew the breath of life into him, He blew breath into the nostrils of Adam and it is with that breath that we live and breathe today. We are living on the borrowed breath of God.

Now let’s fast forward to the Gospel. The coming of Jesus had been prophesied long before He was born. The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, man was disconnected from God, and from that moment on God was in constant pursuit of our hearts. God went through precise, complicated, and detailed steps in order to secure a relationship with us.

Jesus was born of a virgin Mary. Now Jesus could have come through a divine cloud, hailing righteousness on all man. But that is not how it went down, Jesus came to earth as a man, He was born of a woman, conceived by the Holy Spirit. So He was fully man while also being fully God. Jesus experienced life as a child, a teenager, and a man. He started His ministry at the age of 30. Jesus would then go on preaching and healing people. Then Jesus would be betrayed by one of His own and suffers the worst death known to man. Jesus suffered the death we should have gotten. He came and took on our sin, and died with it. Then three days later He resurrected without it. Jesus became sin in order to defeat it, and God would have to turn His back on His own Son because God cannot come in contact with sin. Which is why in our sin we are disconnected from God. But Jesus suffered and gave up His life so that we could be free. He even took on the sin of those who persecuted Him.

All this to say, It can’t all be for nothing. Jesus didn’t come and die for nothing. God didn’t go through the drastic measures of sending His son to live and die for nothing. When I think of the Gospel, I think of the life God has destined for us to live. I think of the message and hope He sent us through Jesus Christ. We cannot go through life being so focused on heaven that we are no good to the earth. While we’re here God has given us a purpose, He gave us this life for a reason. He sent His son for a reason. He wouldn’t go through all of that for nothing. Don’t throw it all away. We have a purpose here on this earth, God wants us here for a reason. It can’t be for nothing.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to think about all God went through so that we may have a relationship with Him. Think about the importance of your life here on earth. Pray however you feel led.

I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or weekend. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 156!

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