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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day 163: Recap

Day 156: That Was Then, This Is Now

Today we talked about how the past does not dictate your future and how we should be held captive by it. We focused on Psalms 129: 1-2,4.

"When Jesus came and died on that cross He stopped our past from invading our future. Jesus took away our sin so that we can now say, our sin is behind us, it is no longer who we are or how we live. That is our testimony, that Jesus took us and made us new."

Day 157: Work While You Wait

Today we talked about waiting on God and not using that fragment as an excuse to do nothing or be lazy. We focused 130:5-6 and Acts 12:5.

"Don't use waiting on God as an excuse to be lazy. We have to take a few steps for ourselves, we have to do things for ourselves. We have to step out on faith, take a step and God will show us the path and lead us on this journey."

Day 158: Give What You Got 

Today we talked about giving everything we have even if we think it's not enough, just give it. We focused on Acts 3:1-7

"We have to give everything we have to God first and His people. We may not have everything but we have something and we can use that to forward His kingdom. We can give something, no matter how big or small, we all have something to offer. Give what you have and see how God works."

Day 159: How Do You Respond

Today we talked about how hot-headed our generation is, and how a soft answer is much better than getting even with someone. We focused on Matthew 5:38-40, Ephesians 4:26, proverbs 15:1, 1 Peter 2:23, Proverbs 16:32, James 1:19, and 1 Timothy 1:17.

"What this means is, we have to learn to respond the way Jesus would. Sometimes our soft response can do more than a haughty one. Don’t get out of character or allow yourself to get angry to the point of sin."

Day 160: The Beauty of Unity

Today we talked about being in unity with one another as the body of Christ and not letting division separate us. We focused on Psalms 133, Matthew18:20, Ephesians 4:4-6.

" I’ve heard so many people talk about the division in the church or the division amongst Christians. But when I see the church I do not see division, I see people who are all a part of one body, serving one God. I see people loving each other unconditionally, and coming together every Sunday around the world to worship Him. There is no division in that."


Today we talked about physical beauty and how it is important for people, especially Christians, to feel beautiful, and be told they are beautiful. It is important for Christians to feel and be confident in their physical appearance and know that we are wonderfully made in the hands of God. We focused on Psalms 139: 13-14.

"Our beauty isn’t just on the inside, we are human just like the next person, and there is nothing wrong with being told you’re beautiful, feeling beautiful, or wanting to be told you’re beautiful."

I love you I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone, go back over your favorite devo from this week. I love you. Make sure you hit that follow button and start following the blog. See you tomorrow for Day 164!

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