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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 79: Let's Recap!

It's been a great week, not only did we reach 75 devos, CRAZY!, but we also had a guess writer. Here's a little recap of what went down this week.

Day 72:In the Meantime
We  started the week off talking about patience, waiting on God and what to do while waiting. We focused on Psalms 27:14, 46:10. The two points we made today were: 1. In the meantime, don't jump the gun, and 2. In the meantime, slowdown and enjoy life.
"Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because we are too busy to see the blessing before our eyes. Life isn’t always about getting somewhere, it’s about the experiences, and lessons on the way".

Day 73: Where Do We God From Here
Today we talked about jumping, taking a leap of faith. We focused on a few scriptures today: Matthew 7:7, 14:28-31, James 2: 17-18, and Philippians 4:13.
"Sometimes when we feel stuck it means that we have to take a leap of faith to get to where God wants us to go. When we reach the end of a chapter in our lives and don’t know where to go that is where we look to  God for direction, and if He tells us to jump, we have to. If we don’t we will stay in a place where we will be stuck forever. The only way out is to leap, we can’t step we have to jump. Everything we’re looking for, everything we need will be on the other side, leap and watch God allow you to soar. You can do it, put that fear aside, get a running start and JUMP! "

Day 74: Removing What is Dead
Today we talked about dropping the dead weight that is holding us back from reaching our full potential, or keeping us from growing in Christ. We focused on John 15:2.
"Once the dead branches are removed, God continues to prune the healthy branches. Meaning he makes sure that everything dead is cut away, making room for more growth. If we want to grow, if we want the fruit we bear to be good, we have to let go of the dead branches, we have to remove everything from us that is dead. That is the only way we will grow, and be able to make that leap of faith. "

Day 75: This One Thing I Ask
Today we talked about David's desire to be near the Lord all the days of His life. We focused on Psalms 27:4.
"I think David knew, He had a knowledge of what real living looked like. He knew that if He had everything and not God He had nothing at all. But He knew that with God he had everything even if that meant his earthly possessions were bare. God can give us anything we want, and anything we ask, but what would that one thing be. David wanted eternity with the one true King. He wanted to be in the presence of the Lord for all His days. That’s what real living is, Out of everything I ask for and out of everything you have given me, here is the one thing I want more than anything,that  is to be close to you. "

Day 76: Don't Judge Me
Today we had a guest writer, Mrs. Ariana Edgar, she talked about not judging others, and having a nice slice of humble pie. She focused on: James 4:11-12, 1 Timothy 2:11, and Matthew 28:19-20.
" We are not meant to think of ourselves more highly than others or go around pulling out specks in people’s eyes, especially when we have a rotting plank in our own! haha! But as a Christ followers we are supposed to pursue holiness and encourage others to do the same in their journey".

Day 77: Faith Based Living
Today we talked about what it means to live like Christ, and why when we are fully devoted to Christ we do not have to prove our Christianity because our lives speak for themselves.
" If we are not bearing good fruit, where are our roots planted? On what foundation do we stand? We must commit ourselves fully to Christ, and continue to make that choice every single day. Everyday we get up we choose to continue following Christ, we choose to dive into His word. We choose to pray and talk to Him, we choose the soil we are planted in. When we do this, and when we start to grow, the fruit from the tree will speak for itself".

Thank you for joining me this week, thank you for sticking it out thus far, stick with me all the way. I love you, I hope you've had an amazing weekend thus far. Enjoy your Sunday and make sure you share this with someone. Be sure to come tomorrow for Day 80!

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