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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Day 65: Recap

Thank you everyone for continuously reading the devo, I hope you are growing in your faith and are challenged daily. Today, I'm going to change it up and do the recap differently than what I've been doing up to this point.

Day 58 - Put Up A Fight
Today we focused on Nehemiah 6 and how through all the opposition they received they still completed the work they set out to do. We have to fight for things we want, and know that if God has ordained it, nothing and no one can come against it.

Day 59- How Far Will You Go (Part 1) 
Today was the start of the three day series with the headlining question, 'How Far Will You Go?'.  We focused on Matthew 19:21-24. We talked about dropping and giving up everything to follow Christ. Considering He gave up everything for us. If God asked us to, would we be willing to give up everything?

Day 60- How Far Will You Go (Part 2)
Day two of this little series we talked about forgiveness, and how it is a long and bumpy road. The scripture we focused on today were Matthew 5:43-48. Can we allow ourselves to look past our own anger and pain, and truly forgive someone. In the same way God has forgiven us, can we forget about it and love them as if they never did anything? Harboring unforgiveness is a heavy burden to bear.

Day 61- How Far Will You Go (Part 3)
Today we brought our small series to an end with talking about loving each other. We looked at a few different passages today: Luke 5:18-19, Acts 4:32-37, Luke 10:25-37, and 1 John 3:18. How far we're willing to go to show someone else they are loved, whether that means going out of our way, sacrifice, or just being there with someone. Taking the example Christ gave us and modeling ourselves after that. When we learn to love like Christ and use that love towards others we are showing people what it means to know the love of God.

Day 62- The Cost of the Cross
I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross. The scriptures we focused on today were: Galatians 3:13-14, Matthew 22:42-44, and John 15:13. Today we talked about how much Jesus gave up so that we could be saved. The price He paid so that we would be free from our sin and able to be in a relationship with the one and only God. He took our place and died so that we wouldn't have to. Everything boils down to love, love kept Him on that cross.

Day 63- Respond with Love (Dealing with People)
We ended the week by talking about how sometimes people are hard to deal with, and just all around run and disrespectful, and sometimes we are those people. We jumped around with the scriptures today: Proverbs 29:11, 15:1, Luke 6:27, 22:48-51, Exodus 14:14, and Psalms 141:3. Sometimes we have to learn to bite our tongues and shut our mouths, when we want to go off on someone. We haveto learn how to respond with love. We have to respond with love, even to the most  grotesque things that comes our way. We have to let God handle the battle, as only He can.

I love you all, I hope you have an amazing Sunday, and start of your week. If you're on Spring Break like me, enjoy every second of it. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 66! Have an amazing Day or Evening.!

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