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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 73: In The Meantime...

Psalms 27:14
Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.
Psalms 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God…

We as young people get very restless very quick, we don’t know how to be still. We live in a fast era, where everything is there right when we need or want it. We don’t know how to be patient. When it comes to having a relationship with God and waiting for Him we must learn patience. We must be able to plant our feet and not make a move until God has completed what He has told us He will do. Sometime we miss what God has for us because we move before we are supposed to. We get impatient. What I’m really trying to say here is,
In the meantime, don’t jump the gun.
I grew up watching and playing sports, and in track and swimming, when one person jumps the gun, not only does it throw everyone off but they all have to start over. It takes longer for the event to start because one person started before it was time. Many times the runner or swimmer who jumped the gun does not do so well in the actual race, because they wasted their good start on a false shot. That is how it is when we decide to get a headstart and not wait on God, we end up having to come back and start over because we missed what was originally ours. When waiting on God we cannot let our impatience move us from where God has us. We have to slow down sometimes and realize that God is working and we don’t have to worry. We don’t have to have our hand in the pot to know something is cooking.
Mark 6:31
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
Another thing we have to learn how to do is slow down. We are the generation of busy and exhausted people. We are always on the move, constantly working, or doing something. We get too busy for God sometimes. We have to put down our busy lives and our crazy schedules sometimes, slow down and take a look at what God is doing in our lives.
In the meantime, slow down and enjoy life.
We are constantly running towards something, we get tunnel vision and block everything out. Sometimes we just have to slow down and talk to God, pray, read our bible, enjoy the work of His hands. Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because we are too busy to see the blessing before our eyes. Life isn’t always about getting somewhere, it’s about the experiences, and lessons on the way. God;s timing is perfect, in due time He will have in the place He has planned from the beginning. But right now we are exactly where He wants us to be. Don’t rush through it and miss it.
Reflection/ Prayer Time

Take some time to yourself today. Slow down and spend some time with God. Take some time to yourself, rest in His peace and be still enjoy the presence of God. Know that He is coming for you, Just wait on Him. Talk to Him about whatever is on your heart today.

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