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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 68: Pure Joy

-(Biblical definition) Joy isn’t like happiness which is based upon happenings or whether things are going well or not. No, joy remains even amidst the suffering. Joy is not happiness. Joy is an emotion that’s acquired by the anticipation, acquisition or even the expectation of something great or wonderful. It could be described as exhilaration, delight, sheer gladness, and can result from a great success or a very beautiful or wonderful experience like a wedding or graduation but the definition of joy that the world holds is not nearly as amazing as biblical joy but joy is also gift.
-(Dictionary.com definition) the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.
Psalms 4:7
You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.
This is one of my favorite scriptures, because it highlights God as the source of joy, which He is. He gives us more joy than our favorite things in the world. We can have everything we ever wanted but there is nothing like the joy of God in our hearts. No matter what we have we can only get that pure permanent joy from Christ. They can give me everything, but it will never add up to what I get from God, what I have from serving Him. There is nothing better, it does not get any better than this.
Third thing to know: God is better than the world’s best thing. (Yes that is from a Chance The Rapper song)  
Joy is not like happiness we can’t fake it, we either have it or we don’t. Joy comes from within, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and know just how loved we are by god. When the holy Spirit dwells in us, that is when we know what it is to be filled with the joy of the Lord. We know that there are no worries, nothing can take away the joy that God has given us. It’s like an unbreakable smile, a happiness that cannot be tainted. We can have joy even in our pain and trials, as we are told in James 1:2, Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
Nehemiah 8:10
...And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
When have the joy of the Lord we can find strength to keep pushing through the trials because we are fully aware of the word of God, and fully aware of His presence in our lives.. We find great delight in Him even when we are facing the hardest battles in our lives. Because we know that He is sovereign, we know of His promise, we know that no matter what, we can look to Him and know that everything will be okay. We can find strength in Him when we are weak. Even in our darkest hour, if we still have faith, if we still trust in the Lord our joy cannot be tainted.
Reflection/ Prayer Time
Take the time to reflect on the passages maybe reread some of them. Talk to God about what it means to have the Joy of the Lord in our hearts. Rest in the presence of God, and know that His joy is your strength. Whatever is on your heart give it to God. Know that no matter how great something is, God is greater.

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