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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Day 75: Removing What is Dead

We ended yesterday’s devo with the question we will start this one with.

What is stopping us from taking that leap of faith? What is stopping us from growing in Christ? If we had nothing to lose would we jump?

John 15:2
"Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit."

Sometimes we are carrying around dead weight, meaning we are carrying things that no longer belong to us, we are carrying a burden or burdens that we should have dropped long ago. We cannot jump because we are holding too much weight. When we are going places there’s some things and people that cannot go with us. If we want to grow, if we want to keep moving forward, if we want to take that leap of faith we have to remove the dead weight from ourselves. We have to free ourselves from the burdens we’ve been carrying around.
These burdens and dead weight can be anything from relationships, to habits. We have to release them in order to get to where we need to go. Where God is taking us, there is no room for the extra baggage, there’s no room for dead weight. We have been carrying things around on our hearts, in our lives, things we find security in or things and people we love. Letting go is the hardest when we love the thing we have to let go of. But we cannot let those dead branches remain, we must cut them.
Sometimes we hold on to people and relationships, friendship that have been gone but we’re still trying to make work. Habits that we can’t seem to shake. If we want a tree that bears good fruit we have to cut away the branches that are bearing bad fruit, or no fruit at all. It has no place in where we are going.
Once the dead branches are removed, God continues to prune the healthy branches. Meaning he makes sure that everything dead is cut away, making room for more growth. If we want to grow, if we want the fruit we bear to be good, we have to let go of the dead branches, we have to remove everything from us that is dead. That is the only way we will grow, and be able to make that leap of faith.
  1. Are you carrying around dead weight?
  2. If you had nothing to lose would it be easier to let go?
  3. What do you have to lose?
Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Talk to God about letting go of that which is dead in your life. Allow Him to remove the dead weight.
I love you, I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Share this with someone and make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 76!

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