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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Day 219: Recap!

Day 212: Timeless Love 

Today we talked about love and falling in love and how it can seem timeless. We talked about how we learn to love from being loved, by God. We also touched on how we must love ourselves before we love anyone else, and that love is work. We focused on Genesis 29:20 Jeremiah 31:3.

"However, just because we’re falling in love with someone doesn’t mean we stop falling in love with God. God must always come first, always. Nothing and no one should ever come before Him. We must fall in love with Him more and more everyday. It is the only way we will be able to survive and live."

Day 213: Walk Through the Door

Today we talked about taking the opportunity God is providing for us without hesitation. We talked about how we are constantly praying and asking God to open doors for us but when the time comes for us to walk through it for some reason we hesitate. We focused on Matthew 7:7.

"I think sometimes we are so concerned and caught up with “the right thing” that we overlook the right thing. What I mean is that we put so much pressure on ourselves to do what is right that we are blinded by the very idea. We become so infatuated with the idea that we start to overlook the real thing."

Day 214: You're Not a Robot

Today we talked about how we sometimes turn ourselves into Jesus serving robots in order to look like good Christians. We talked about how we often ignore our feelings and impulses because we want to make sure that we look like what a good Christian. We focused on Matthew 16:24, Luke 22:42-44.

"All this to say, when we deny our feelings because of our faith, we are chasing false strength. Meaning we want to look strong because Christians aren’t weak. We put up a facade like everything is okay when we are dying on the inside. Denying our feelings and who we are in order to serve religion only begets more issues and problems within us. Following Christ is not about looking strong or looking like a good Christian. It is about submitting our life to Christ and living a life that follow His plan and purpose.  Embrace your feelings and embrace who you are. Serve God, not religion."

Day 215: Walk With Me

Today we talked about walking with Christ and what that means. We talked about how we are meant to live with God and how it is great to do life with someone else and letting that someone else be Jesus. We focused on Colossians 2:6, Micah 6:8, Genesis 5:24, and Genesis 6:9.

" We are meant to live our lives with God. If we want to do anything in this life and in this world worth something walk with God. When we walk with God he will lead us on a path of glory. He will take us where we need to go to get us where He wants us to be."

Day 216: Walk With Each Other

Today we talked about getting along with one another and doing all we can to walk in harmony with our brothers and sisters. We talked about how even though it is sometimes hard we have to do all we can to live in unity with our neighbors. We focused on Romans 112: 10,18.

"Do what you can to live in harmony with your brothers and sisters. That is not to say that we should not guard our hearts. Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Don’t let your love be tainted because of how someone else treats you. Also don’t let your pride get in the way of you trying to get along with others. Don’t just give up on people, try and do all you can."

Day 217: Leah's Perspective

We ended the week where we started, with the same story in Genesis 29, but focusing on a different person. Today we took the time to focus on Leah and put ourselves in her shoes. We talked about how Leah was unloved and overlooked and how we often feel like that more times than not. We also talked about how God sees us when we feel invisible. We also talked about looking for love in all the wrong places and finding it in the one who is love. We focused on Genesis 29:16-35.

"All this to say, God sees you, and He loves you. Don’t look for love in all the wrong places. Even when you feel unwanted or unloved, know that God wants you and He loves you so much. More than you will ever know."

That's all for today folks. I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone, go back over what we talked about this week and come back tomorrow for Day 220 as we start a new series, "Unpacking Romans 12".

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