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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 221: Unpacking Romans 12- A True Christian

 Romans 12:9-10
Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

We have talked about love and the importance of loving one another. It is our calling as Christians, the second greatest command. One thing I want to talk about today is the importance of doing more than just saying you love someone because that’s what you’re supposed to do as a Christian. For lack of better words, don’t pretend to love people because it makes you look like a better Christian. Don’t talk about how much you love people in order to elevate your status as a Christian. We have to really love people and it shows in the way we treat them, the way we talk to people, and the way we act towards strangers. Love is genuine, we cannot walk around spreading fake love. When we love someone it’s for the other person, when we pretend to love someone it’s for us, and it comes from a selfish place.

I believe that through this passage, God is telling us how to be true Christians. He showing us what it means to be a true Christian by telling to be authentic in our ways. God can see through the fakeness in all of us, He can tell when we are pretending. We know when we’re pretending, and we have to call ourselves out on it. We have to check ourselves, and check our intentions and make sure that the way we are living is genuine. A lot of times, our motives have a lot to do with how we act and ultimately how we treat each other. We have to ask ourselves why we do things sometimes, what our motives are. Are we doing something for someone because we really love them or because it will make us look or feel good. Yes, love feels good it’s an amazing feeling to love and be loved. But we must make sure that we are not showing love to saying we love someone because we are chasing a feeling. It’s not always about that, sometimes we have to set ourselves aside for the sake of someone else. Sometimes (not all the time) we have to set our feelings aside in honor of someone else.

All this to say, let your love be genuine. Don’t choose the image of a good Christian over the authenticity of a true Christian. Meaning being true to your faith and the word of God is so much more important than an image.


  1. Have you found yourself trying to put up an image of a good Christian?
  2. Have you ever done something for someone because of what you will get out of it?
  3. Is your love genuine?

Prayer Time

Allow you answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Talk to God about what it is to be a true Christian, and letting your love be genuine. Have an honest conversation with God. Also be honest with yourself.

I love you, I hope you an amazing Day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 222!

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