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Monday, August 14, 2017

Day 227: Unpacking Romans 12-Good Overcomes Evil

Romans 12:21
Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, on light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.

These wise words were spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. at a time in history when segregation, and discrimination based on race had come to a boiling point in America. Black people, and people of color in America were oppressed simply because of the color of our skin. Many were: beat, killed, lynched, jailed, raped, turned down from jobs,, spit on, hosed down with fire hoses, attacked by police, attacked by police dogs, etc. This was all because there was a hate for the color of their skin. Martin Luther King had been put in jail multiple times, led peaceful protests, and gave beautiful speeches. As a God-fearing man, he refused to fight fire with fire, but he also stood up for what he believed in, no matter the cost. Kind of like Paul.  

Now when I planned this series, never did I think that I would be addressing this specific subject on this day. I am referring to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. Where hate has once again led to violence, pain, and death. I’m reminded of this scripture in light of everything going on, that we as a people, the body of Christ cannot be overcome by this. Especially my brothers and sisters of color, as it can be intimidating and scary to think that the color of your skin, something God gave you and He views as beautiful, trust me it wasn’t a mistake; however it is disheartening to think that something as simple as your skin tone can get you killed. Even in this dark truth I encourage you all to find hope in the Lord. To not be overcome by the hate we face each and everyday and what we see on television and social media. The only way we can overcome the evils of this world is by doing good. Evil cannot beat good. Hate cannot beat love. Dark cannot be light. Fear cannot beat hope. So today I want to encourage the body of Christ to love in the face of hate, to do good in the face of  evil. Be a light in the dark. I know that it hurts us, and not just the black and hispanic community, but we as the body of Christ should all be grieved by the fact that our brothers and sisters are being hurt, attacked, and murdered because of hate.

We have been seeing this for centuries. Not just in American History, but the history of the world. Even in the bible, the rifts between the Jew and Samaritans. The Hebrew people who were enslaved by the Egyptians. None of this is new, but we must be able to see it through the filter of God’s eyes. I cannot tell you why this type of stuff happens or why it has to happen but I can tell you that God is bigger than all of it. God’s love and light never runs out. As long as we know who is for us, we will never run out of hope.

All this to say, even in the midst of all this, it is our job to pray for those who persecute us. To do good to those who curse us. Now is the time, more than ever, to put everything that we talk about and preach about into action. We are called to love, we know this. But please don’t let your love be tainted by hate. Don’t let the good in you be taken away by evil. I beg of you, as hard as it may be, don’t run out of hope. Don’t stop seeing the bright side, there’s always a bright side. In the face of evil, don’t forget that God is good. God is love.


  1. How are you feeling?
  2. How do you feel about the state of the world?

Prayer Time

Take the time to pray for the state of our nation. Pray for those affected by racism and those who are racist. Pray that love continues to conquer hate. Have an honest conversation with God.

I love you so much! I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 228!

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