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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day 226: Unpacking Romans 12- Recap!

This week we started a new series, 'Unpacking Romans Twelve'. We are not done with the series just yet, we will continue with it into next week. However we will still do our weekly recap. So, here it goes.

Day 219: Renew Your Mind 

We started the week off with Romans 12:2, speaking about renewing our mind and changing our mindset. We talked about how when we become Christians, the way we think and the way we view the world and everything in it also changes. We talked about being likeminded with Christ. Other scriptures we focused on today were, Isaiah 55:7-9 and Matthew 22:37.

"If our mind is not renewed our life cannot be renewed. If we are still moving and thinking the same way we did when we were in the world, how are we ever going to grow in Christ. A worldly mindset does not work in a Christian body."

Day 220: One Body, Different Functions

Today we focused on Romans 12:3-8. We talked about how we are all one in Christ, yet we are all different. We talked about how we use our differences to come together to elevate the body of Christ. We also touched on how we are all equal and we are not to look down on anyone.

"We are one in Christ and nothing should divide us. We are meant to function together as one body. Yes, we are different, but we are also one in the same."

Day 221: A True Christian

Today we focused on Romans 12:9-10, we talked about the makings of a True Christian. We talked about how we are too often caught up in being a "good christian" that the truth behind our christianity fades becomes it becomes more of an image to keep up, instead of a lifestyle. We talked about being genuine and not showing fake love to people in order for us to look good as a Christian.

" A lot of times, our motives have a lot to do with how we act and ultimately how we treat each other. We have to ask ourselves why we do things sometimes, what our motives are. Are we doing something for someone because we really love them or because it will make us look or feel good?"

Day 222: Going after God

Today we focused on Romans 12:11-12, we talked about chasing after God. One of the big themes we discussed today, is knowing the difference between wanting God and needing God. We talked about how we must want God more than anything else. We discussed really having a passion for God. Other scriptures we referred to was, Jeremiah 29:13.

"One of the things I’ve learned within my almost twenty-five years of living is, need gives up drive, want puts passion behind that drive."

Day 223: Hospitality

Today we focused on Romans 12:13, and you guessed it, we talked about hospitality. We talked about how as Christians we should make all people feel welcomed and loved. We talked about how also the church should be more hospitable when it comes to welcoming strangers, or sinners.

"We must learn to welcome people with open arms and make them feel like they are loved, like they are a part of this beautiful community God has created. We never know what people are going through and one hospitable act from us could literally change the course of someone’s life."

Day 224: Bless Those Who Curse You

Today we focused on Romans 12:14, and we talked about soft answers. We talked about praying for the people who prey on us. We also talked about how those very people need our love the most and how they are probably trying to cover up their own hurt. Another scripture we focused on today was Proverbs 15:1.

" So many times I think that when we are called to turn the other cheek, or bless those who curse us, it is just as much for them as it is for us. While our faith might be being tested someone is being healed. It’s much deeper than just getting the last laugh or proving that you are mature."

I love you and I hope you have, had, or are currently having an amazing and beautiful day. We will continue this series tomorrow, be sure to come back then for Day 227. I love you!

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