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Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 224: Unpacking Romans 12- Hospitality

Romans 12:13
When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

-the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.
-the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.
-kindness in welcoming strangers or guests

According to all the above definitions hospitality is about receptiveness. It’s about welcoming others with a warm spirit. Following the theme of being a true Christian. Hospitality is part of the calling of a christian. The way we treat people, especially those who are strangers to us. It’s all about how we make them feel. The vibe that we give off. It’s easy to get along with the people we know and like, but how do we treat people that we don’t know? This is an interesting question because as humans we are accustomed to comfort. Meaning we have our circles and we have our people that we are most comfortable around, and that’s okay. But how often do we make those that are new feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed? We as Christians make these exclusive circles and people who are “not on our level”, get looked over because we are too busy on our high horse to welcome them with open arms. We may do it without even realizing it, but when it is brought to our attention we must change it.. As Christians is it our job to go out of our way to show hospitality to others. To go out of our way to help those in need. This is something that we must practice as Christians, when it comes showing the love of God. A lot of times the question that come to mind for many people when it comes to loving their neighbor; how can I love someone I don’t even know. We treat them the way Christ would. We accept them with open arms, making them feel welcomed wherever we are, no matter who they or where they came from. There should be no circles or cliques in the body of Christ. Jesus is for everyone, not an exclusive group of people who think of themselves higher than everyone else.

This attitude should be most expressed by the church. I’ve been to far too many churches where I felt unwelcomed and judged. Due to the atmosphere, how people looked at me because of the way I was dressed or how people speak so badly about our generation within the church.. How I was removed from the front row because according to the men in the pulpit my skinny jeans were too tight and I was tempting the young men in the pulpit. Too often the church has turned people away because they don’t agree with their lifestyle or they have labeled them sinners. No one should feel unwanted in god’s house, and if they do, that’s on us.

All this to say, many times we are responsible for how people feel around us. We create the vibes if you will, the atmosphere that either accepts or neglects people.. We must learn to welcome people with open arms and make them feel like they are loved, like they are a part of this beautiful community God has created. We never know what people are going through and one hospitable act from us could literally change the course of someone’s life. We must make sure that people not only feel welcomed in God’s house but know that they are, meaning we speak to them and let them know that they are welcomed. Words are one thing, actions are another, but when you put the two together it is powerful. We are not here to point out people’s sin and flaws. We are here to point people to Jesus. He uncovers the sin and only He can judge them for it.


  1. Can you remember a time where someone has made you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable?
  2. Can you remember a time when you did it to someone else?
  3. Have you ever been to a church that made people, or you, feel like they shouldn’t be there?
  4. How can we change this?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Talk to God about being hospitable, and ask Him to teach you to be warm and welcoming towards His people.

I love and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for  Day 225.

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