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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Day 240: Recap!

Day 233: What About Us

Today we talked about checking in with ourselves and also checking ourselves. We talked about looking into our own lives and making sure we a good before we go trying to tell someone else how to live their life. We talked about how we often overlook ourselves in favor of someone else. We focused on Luke 6:42.

" Take care of your soul before you take care of someone else’s. We can’t talk to anyone else about their relationship with God when ours is either non-existent, complicated or on the rocks."

Day 234: Merely Vessels

Today we basically talked about humility and how we are merely vessels God uses for His. We talked about how we are not to get into our heads that we are the ones doing God's work. Rather it is God working through us. We focused on 1 Corinthians 3:5-7.

"No matter how much we plant or how much we water, until God does the increase, nothing will happen."

Day 235: God is Building Us

Today we talked about growing in Christ and how God is building us every day of our lives that we are committed to him. We talked about how the word for our spirit is like milk for a baby. It is what we need to grow in Christ. We focused on 1 Peter 2:2-5.
"Sometimes we don’t understand why He’s doing certain things in our lives, we don’t understand why things are going the way they are. We don’t understand what’s going on at that moment in time. But just hold on, keep longing for that pure spiritual milk, keep going and keep growing and when it’s all said and done, we will realize that He was building us. He was shaping us and moulding us."

Day 236: Foundation in Christ

Today we took it back to the basics and talked about building a solid foundation in the Lord. We talked about how a foundation in Christ gives us stability and the ability to build without falling down, no matter what comes our way. We focused on 1 Corinthians 3:10-13.
"Everything we are is in Him, we must find our identity in christ and follow Him all the days of our life. We must learn to depend on Him and trust Him in every area and moment of our lives, A life without a solid foundation is not a life that will get us anywhere. Lay your foundation in Christ and build on that, trust me, whatever you build will stand."

Day 237: God's Temple

Today we talked about how we are God's temple and we must learn to take care of that. We asked ourselves a lo too questions, one being is our temple a place where God dwells. We talked about the condition of our temple and keeping it "clean". We talked about how sometimes we can allow things to corrupt our temple. We focused on 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
"Sometimes we try to get around the parts of the bible we think don’t apply to us or shouldn’t apply to us. That’s not how it works, it’s all or nothing."

Day 238: Spirit Filled Life

Today was a bit of an expansion on what we talked about yesterday. We talked about the dangers of allowing sin to remain in our lives, no matter how small or no that big of a deal we think it is. We talked about how we must rid every sin in our lives that we know is there and not hang on the little things we try to let slide. We talked about getting rid of anything that will taint or put a hole in our spirit. We focused on 1 Corinthians 5: 5-8.

"Life isn’t just about “not sinning”. What kind of life would it be if it were. It’s about living for something and someone far greater than ourselves. Let’s not allow sin to take root in us, but weed it out and allow our spirits to dwell in Christ and the Holy Spirit in us.:

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for ay 241!

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