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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day 225: Unpacking Romans 12- Bless Those Who Curse You

Romans 12:14
Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.

Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

One thing I’ve grown up being old is, “Kill them with kindness.” Meaning don’t treat people the same way they treat you. Don’t be mean just because they are being mean to you, the best thing you can do is kill them with kindness. Now I’m sure many of us have gotten to a point when we say, there’s only so much kindness to give, and eventually you’ll want to get back at them, whoever “them” is. You get tired of people being rude or disrespectful and want to tell them what’s on your mind.  Sometimes it’s hard not to say anything or do anything back to the people who intentionally try to hurt you or stir you up, especially when they know the exact buttons to push. But boy is it so rewarding. It’s so rewarding and a bit funny to see the reaction you will get when you refuse to get angry with someone.

One of the lessons I’ve learned is to just laugh it off. I am very sarcastic and I know it can be annoying to people who try to get to me. But I’ve learned that two angry people can get nowhere. It just turns into a screaming match, of who can scream the loudest and who can get the last word. I can get angry and stirred up, but when alls said and done, what will I have accomplished? Nothing. The best thing to do is diffuse the fire before it gets out of hand. I believe that this is the lesson here. God is telling us to turn the other cheek. He’s telling us not to get riled up and angry, but instead pray that He will bless the people who are out to get you. Pray the best for them. They are God’s children as well, that is very important to remember. We can take an example from Jesus, as with everything in life. Jesus was persecuted in the worst way, He was beat and spit on. He was talked about, but He responded with love. Even as the people were nailing Him to the cross He said “father forgive them for they know not what they do.” He knew that there was a bigger picture. He could have been angry at them, but instead He chose to forgive them, instead He chose to love them. When we think about it, it’s truly a beautiful image. To set yourself aside for the very person that is harming you and bringing you a world of pain.

My mom would always tell us growing up, “hurt people, Hurt people.” Meaning people who are hurt, do not want to hurt alone. You never really know why someone is treating you the way they are. Sometimes people act out because they themselves are hurting and they want someone to either feel the pain they feel or feel something worse. It’s a messed up disposition but it’s real. So many times I think that when we are called to turn the other cheek, or bless those who curse us, it is just as much for them as it is for us. While our faith might be being tested someone is being healed. It’s much deeper than just getting the last laugh or proving that you are mature.

All this to say, love everyone, even the ones that are hard to love. Bless the people that constantly curse you. In the end you will be proud of yourself for not engaging and you give the other person a chance to inspect themselves.


  1. Have you ever been in the position where you had to walk away from someone who was angry with you?
  2. How are was it?
  3. Can you see the bigger picture in blessing the people who curse you and giving a soft answer?
  4. What is it?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. Ask God to help you learn to pray for those who curse you and help you hold your tongue. Pray for self-control. Whatever is on your heart today, talk to God about it.

I love you, and I hope you have an amazing day or evening. Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for day 226!

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