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Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 217: Walk With Each Other

Romans 12:10
Love one another with brotherly affection Outdo one another in showing honor

Romans 12:18
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Today’s devo is all about getting along with one another, something that sounds simple but it is so hard. Not that it’s hard to get along with everyone because most times we can get along with everyone but we all have those few people or at least one person that we’d rather not cross paths with, to say the least. I have to be honest, I have been struggling with this subject for the past few days. However as Christians it is important that we live in harmony with one another, that we walk with one another and that we honor and respect one another.

If you are like me, you’re the type of person that only has to be crossed once or twice and then your done with a person. So when I came upon these scriptures I kinda almost had an argument with God. Trying to find a loophole in it all. Like okay God but this person is a jerk, like they’re wrong. Why do I have to deal with their foolishness in my life, why do I have to be the bigger person? Why do I have to try to get along with someone that I know doesn’t like me? Like God the feelings are mutual. I know many of you can relate, but this is something that I have been sincerely struggling with. Something I had to start praying about, God help me with my pride. I found that the reason I was feeling this way was because of my pride. I don’t like feeling disrespected, I don’t like being talked to crazy. And even though all of this may actually be happening, one thing I had to ask God was to help me get over my pride.

It’s not on the other people, the scripture says, “so far as it depends on you” so it is our job to do all that we can to live peaceably with one another. It’s our job, we cannot use someone else as an excuse as to why we cannot do our part to love one another. I know it’s hard, I know sometimes people are hard to get along with, but we must do all that we can to show our love. It’s hard, it’s very hard, but it’s not impossible. And if at the end of the day we’ve done all we can on our part, and the other person still doesn’t come through on their end, at least we did our job. We can still love them. Everyone is not meant to be our best friends or be close to us, but everyone deserves love, rather we like them or not. It is still our job as Christians to love them. Even when we’re angry at one another love is more powerful than that anger. I’m the type of person, and I blame this on Jesus, that no matter how angry I am at someone, no matter what they’ve done, my love is stronger. Love is greater than our own feelings, love is the strongest part of us as human beings. Love overcomes it all.

All this say, do what you can to live in harmony with your brothers and sisters in Christ. This is easy when we have to get along with people we like and the people that make it easy to get along with. We have to love those who make it nearly impossible to love or to like. Jesus did it, He loved us despite our wrongdoings. Do what you can to live in harmony with your brothers and sisters. That is not to say that we should not guard our hearts. Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Don’t let your love be tainted because of how someone else treats you. Also don’t let your pride get in the way of you trying to get along with others. Don’t just give up on people, try and do all you can.


  1. Do you find it hard to get along with certain people? Why?

Prayer Time

Take the time to talk to God about what we discussed today. Talk to Him about pride and helping you to get along with and love your neighbors. Ask Him to help you even when it’s hard. Talk to Him about guarding your heart and finding a good balance.  

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 218!

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