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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 214: Walk through the Door

Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Growing up my mom would always say, “A closed mouth don’t get fed.” This was her way of telling me to speak up for myself, and ask for the things I want. This was her telling me, I don’t know what you want, what you’re feeling, or what you need if you don’t talk to me. If you knew me as a child you would know that I rarely spoke. I was beyond quiet. So needless to say I grew up hearing this scripture, both at home and in church. We were always told to ask for what we want. We were told to knock and the door will be opened. The door can’t be opened if we don’t knock. We always talked about the door being opened, we never talked about walking through it. Opening the door is one thing, walking through it is another.

Ever asked God for something and then hesitate to accept it when He gave it to you? We as humans do it constantly. We are constantly asking God to do things for us and when He does, we hesitate. We have enough faith to believe that God will open the door and when He does, we expect Him to carry us over the threshold too. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, God will not do for us, what we can do for ourselves. God will open the door, but we have to walk through it. Walking through that door is completely on us, Often times we ask God to open doors for us, but for some reason when He opens the door we have to take the time to figure out of it’s right for us or not. We send ourselves into a full on anxiety attack, posting on Facebook and asking for prayers to help with big decisions. We often think there’s a catch to blessings and grace. There isn’t there’s no catch. When God opens a door for us we don’t have to hesitate, we don’t worry that’s it’s not right for us because He’s opened the door. He opened it for us. God will not open a door for us and then not allow us to walk through it, (I mean unless you’re Moses, you’ll get a glimpse and that’s all.).

I think sometimes we are so concerned and caught up with “the right thing” that we overlook the right thing. What I mean is that we put so much pressure on ourselves to do what is right that we are blinded by the very idea. We become so infatuated with the idea that we start to overlook the real thing. Sometimes we complicate things more than we should. We tend to make the smallest things into an obstacle course when they don’t have to be.

All this to say, walk through the door. When God opens a door, don’t hesitate, don’t doubt. Trust Him and walk through it, He’s not going to walk through it for you, He will walk through it with you. First we have to choose to walk through it, so we have two choices, either stand there stuck or walk through the door that God has opened and continue to move forward. It’s our choice. The door is open we have to decide to walk through.


  1. Do you hesitate to accept what God has given you?
  2. Do you have trouble walking through the doors GOd opens for you? If yes, why?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above question guide your prayer today, Talk to God about having faith and accepting what He is giving. Just have a conversation with Him.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 215!

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