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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 46: When I Lost My Heart To You

When I became a Christian, and we would get on the subject of marriage or relationships I would hear someone say, “You have to be so lost in God that your husband has to find God to find you.” I didn’t understand the depth of that statement, because I did not know what it meant to be lost in God.

Proverbs 23:26
O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways.

God wants us to have a good life, He wants us to enjoy the life He has given us. He wants our hearts to be  in the best possible condition. He knows that the heart is safe in His hands and there is no better place for our hearts than in the hands of God. When we lose our hearts to Him, our lives start to change and line up with His word. We begin to see things in a new light, we start to act differently, love differently. Because God has gotten a hold of our hearts and it’s beginning to look like HIs. We begin to enjoy living this life with Him, and enjoying our walk with Christ.Our desires shift from selfish ambitions to the will of God. Our hearts begin to change because they are in the hands of love.

Matthew 10:39
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.

We must lose our lives to Christ in order to find them. Seeing that Christ holds our life in His hands we must give up the life we think is worth living in exchange for an eternal life that we know is worth living. There is something very profound about the scripture above. I remember hearing it for the first time and thinking that I had to go out and literally give up my life. I thought I had to die. I was sitting in church like, “wait, I have to die to be a Christian? This is not what I signed up for.” It’s very confusing if taken out of context or not understood completely. But in a way we do die, not physically, of course, but we do give up our life. We die to our flesh, the life of sin we once lived is gone. The sinner in us dies, and we are a new creation. We give up our corrupt and sinful life in exchange for a pure and Christ filled life that will take us to and through all eternity. We trade temporarily fix for  satisfaction and fulfillment in Christ. We  are complete when we live with God, when we find ourselves live in Him because, we cannot truly live outside of God, God is the giver of life, it is His breath running through our body, He is the air we breathe. We depend on HIm for every breath we take, whether we realize it or not. How can we live apart from the person who gave us life? This breath is the connection, the blood that runs through our veins is the connection.

This earthly life is temporary, one day we will all be reunited with Christ, and be in His presence for all eternity. That’s the endgame, We were never meant to stay here on Earth forever. We will occupy it while we are here, but it’s all provisional. But we tend to hold on the things that fade away instead of what is here to stay.

When we find ourselves wrapped up and lost in God, we are nearly untouchable. We are so in line with His word, and who He is that nothing can move us. The hands of God are powerful, there’s no better place to be. We must give up our hearts and our life in exchange for something something greater. God can do things we never imagined, but we must surrender ourselves to Him. We must allow Him to possess our hearts knowing that it is in sacred hands.


  1. What will it take to lose our hearts to God? What will you have to give up to live a life created by God?
  2. What is the one thing holding you back from giving your life to Christ?
  3. How can that change?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions lead and guide you prayer. Talk to God about what it means to be lost in HIm. Just talk to god about whatever is on your heart today.  If you are willing and ready surrender you life to HIm. Maybe you feel the Holy Spirit tugging on you, don’t ignore it. Answer the call.

Have an awesome day or evening! I love you, and make sure you share this with someone. Come back tomorrow for Day 47! Enjoy this song 

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