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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 35: Relying on God

Rely- depend on with full trust and confidence.

Reliable- consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted. 2.) a person or thing with trustworthy qualities.

I love that relying on God means depending on Him with full trust and confidence. So in order to rely on God we must first put our trust in Him, so that we can depend fully on Him with no doubts. Being confident that God will be there for us, His hand is always on us and He always comes through showing himself faithful. He is reliable, we can trust Him because we’ve seen His work, we know who He is.

Psalms 121:3
He will not let your foot slip—

he who watches over you will not slumber.

God never sleeps He is always watching us ,constantly taking care of us and moving on our behalf. We can rely on someone we know will not let us fall. He’s watching every move we make, so that even when we do slip or fall He’s there to catch us. He won’t let us hit the ground, we can trust that His arms are there to embrace us at any moment.
Based on the above definition, God is very reliable. He is constantly good to us. God is faithful, and He never changes. God is the only person in our lives that sticks to His original Word, Isaiah 55:11 states; so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

  • When God says He will do something we can bet our life that whatever He said will come to pass. His Word has purpose and that purpose will be fulfilled. God’s words are not empty or hollow, they hold weight. If God says He will take care of us, He will do it. If God says He will provide, expect it to happen because His Word is true.

  • God said the descendents of Abraham would go to the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey, (Exodus 3:8, Jeremiah 32:22, Ezekiel 20:6, Exodus 3:17). It may have taken 40 years but the descendants of Abraham were led into that promised land by Joshua. God’s word never dies out, we can trust it because He is constantly reminding us of His promise to us.

We see throughout the entire bible that God’s word is trustworthy, it never fails. His word is true and He doesn’t make promises He can’t keep. God is incapable of being unreliable. We will always be able to rely on Him, in every second of every day. But we must trust Him, we know that He is trustworthy, that’s a fact, but do we really believe it? If God asked us to give up the only thing we had, the thing that meant everything to us, if He asked us to sacrifice it all and rely on Him because He has something better. Would we be able to do it. This brings me the story about Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17:7-16. There was a widow who only had enough food to feed her and her son one last meal and after that they would starve to death. God told Elijah to go to Zarephath a city near Sidon where he would be fed by a widow. The widow explained to Him that all she had was enough for herself and her son to have one last meal. Elijah responds by saying, cook the food you have but feed me first, and God will provide all the food you need until He sends rain and you can grow crops again. Choosing to listen to the word of God this woman went and did exactly what Elijah said, and every word came to past. She decided to rely on God’s word and it was fulfilled.  

  • It started with Elijah, previously God had provided food and drink by telling Him to go to the Kerith brook, “Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.” (1 Kings 17:4). *God is so reliable that when there’s no one around to feed you, He’ll send a bird to do it.* So Elijah went and when the brook dried up, God instructed him to go to the widow. Elijah probably did not know where His next meal was coming from when the brook dried up. He decided to trust God from the very beginning, had he not, he would have starved to death and the widow and her child would have starved to death.*Sometimes our faith is for others as well. It can be like a domino effect* Elijah did not know about the widow in Zarephath until God told him she was there. He went relying on God, confidently trusting His word. He had so much confidence in God’s word that he did not even hesitate to tell this woman to cook her last meal for him.
  • The widow’s trust in God saved her life. She could have rejected Elijah and told him no, she could have eaten that meal and died as she said. But because she took a leap of faith, because she heard the promise, because she heard the words and accepted it, God’ showed Himself faithful, again.

  1. How can we learn to rely on God, what doubts or fears do we have to get rid of to completely rely on God with everything?
  2. Are you willing to put you life in God’s hands? THink about that question before you answer, I’m not just talking about your spiritual life. I mean every aspect every part of your life, Finances, health, education, relationships, career, family, plans, etc. Everything that makes your life a life and worth living, Are you willing to put that in God’s hands? Ask yourself, Am I willing to put my life in God’s hands?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the previous question guide your prayer today, ask GOd to teach you how to rely on Him. Rest in knowing that GOd’s word is final, there’s no changing, or returning.
Have an amazing day, share this with someone, and make sure you come back tomorrow for Day 36! I love you!

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