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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Day 36: Slaves to Our Desires

We all have that one thing that trips us up, and it can be anything but whatever it is, whenever we encounter it, we have to pray long and hard so we do not give in to it. This one thing is usually bad for us, it’s our guilty pleasure, it’s so wrong but it feels so right.

One of the biggest challenges we face when we become Christians is giving up our desire to do whatever we want, and giving up the things we used to do. Why does the wrong thing feel so right and why is it so hard to do what is right? I think Paul said it best in Romans 7:14-15:

So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.

Paul hits the nail right on the head in this scripture, we all know what this feels like, we all know the feeling of fighting our desires, I think he is speaking to the entire human race here, everyone can identify and understand this scripture. We know what is right, so why don’t we do it? We know what is wrong, so why do we do it? We are sinners saved by grace, we live in a fallen world, we were born into sin, But there is a way out, sin can no longer control us, it cannot overtake us, sin has no power over us, because Jesus holds the power over sin. Jesus defeated sin, and due to His sacrifice we can live a full, pure, and righteous life. We know this, we know all about it. We know that sin can’t control us, But it’s that one thing that always seems to get the best of us, there's that one battle that we continue to fight everyday. Just because we give our lives to Christ, doesn’t mean our sinful desires will cease immediately.  We are human, we have unholy desires, we make mistakes we screw up a lot, but we don't have to be slaves to our own desires. We’re not perfect by no means, but when Jesus died on that cross He broke the bondage of sin. We no longer have to live that life, we will face temptation but Christ gives us the strength to get through it.

James 4:7

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

We have to resist, resist that devil, don’t give in, not even a little. Resist! Sometimes we get to points where we kind of give in to our flesh but not all at once. We start to compromise saying, ‘oh it’s okay if I do this’ ‘Technically I’m not sinning.’ ‘It’s just a small sin’. Somehow we have learned how to convince ourselves that what we are doing is right when we know it’s wrong. I remember growing up and my mom would say two things to us: 1. “A lie is a lie, no matter how big or small, because you have to keep lying to keep the original lie going and eventually that small lie will turn into a big lie.” 2. “I gave you an inch and you took a mile.”

Eventually those small things, and small sins we give in to will become bigger and bigger. If we keep taking inches eventually we’re going to get to a mile. We have to resist, a moment of pleasure or satisfaction is not worth it, it’s so not worth it. Pray, resist and repeat, until the devil flees. God has given us the strength to do it. Stand firm, don’t give in. I know it’s hard but it is so worth it.

Luke 12:34
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
What do we treasure most? Is it what we have here on earth or are our treasures stored up in heaven. The synonym to treasure is cherish. Something we hold on to tighter than anything else, what is it? Is what we cherish or desire more important than God. Is it worth the trouble and the sacrifice. I know we all have things that we cherish and that is okay, but Christ should be number one on that list. When Christ becomes what we desire most we will find ourselves falling into temptation and giving in less. Because we don’t like putting the things and people we love in place where we can possibly lose them. When we learn to treasure Christ above all, that is where our heart will remain.  
Reflection/ Prayer Time
As you reflect on the passages today and answer the questions proposed, begin to talk to God about your desires. Talk to Him about the things you know are making you slip, ask God to help you and give you the strength to resist the temptation. It is imperative that we are completely honest with God, show Him every part of your heart, especially the parts you tend to hide. Rest in His love, and strength.

Have an amazing day, I Love You! Share this with someone. Make sure you come back tomorrow for day 37! Enjoy this song

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