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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Day 50: Hunger Pangs

Have you ever been in a place where you are so hungry your body can’t help it? You start to say things like “My stomach is eating itself.” or “My stomach is touching my back”. Because you are that hungry, and if you don’t get food quick enough you will start to get hangry. Like the snicker’s commercial, “you're not you when you're hungry”. The best feeling is satisfying that hunger, you finally get that food, and it’s like the best thing you ever had. In that moment your meal is the best part of your day or life. You get seconds because you just can’t get enough, it’s so good. That’s how it is when our spirit hungers for God, we cannot get enough of Him. He is the best thing that ever happened to us, To hunger is to have a strong desire or craving for. We must get to a point where we want God more than we want food or air. Our spirits will yearn for Him. We will soon realize that we cannot be ourselves without him.

Psalms 42:2
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; When shall I come and appear before God?

John 6:35
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.

Today I want to talk about when our spirits long for Christ. When we are hungry and thirsty for his presence, and when our spirits are starving.

We know for a fact that outside of God we are nothing, we need God, that’s something we can’t get around. We need Him more than anything. Our spiritual lives thrive off of His presence. We get to a point where we cannot bear to be without Him. We know we need God but we have to want Him, because if we don't we'll find ourselves only calling on Him when we need something specific, and urgent; totally dismissing the fact that we need God every second of every day. There’s something about hunger and thirsting for God. We want Him so bad that we can’t help ourselves. We want a relationship, we want intimacy with Him. We want to be near Him, wherever God is, that’s where we want to be. When we give our lives to Christ we fill a void that has for a long while been  waiting to be filled. Once we feel that completeness of Christ with Christ, we want more. Our spirits long to grow with Him, we begin to dive into His word. Our lives change to the point where we want God at the center, because everything comes from Him. Our lives begin to revolve around God, because we understand the need for Him is beyond our understanding. We just want to be wrapped up in His love, everyday. I have to say that this is the best feeling in the world. Knowing that my hunger will forever be satisfied. Jesus says He is the bread of life, and those who come to Him will never hunger again. I want that bread, I need that bread in my life. It’s spiritual bread, it is the word of God that feeds our spirits. It is Christ that quenches our thirst. As long as we have Christ in our life we will never go hungry, we will never thirst.

On the other hand, some of our spirits are starving, and thirsty, some of us are missing that fulfillment we need from Christ. The hunger pangs are there, the thirst is there, but our spirits are getting weaker everyday due to lack of food and water. If Christ is the bread of life, we must go to Him when we are hungry so that we may be fed. Our spirits need nutrients and the type of nutrients it needs can only come from the word of God. Feeding our spirit is just as important as feeding our physical bodies, if not more. We need food and water to survive, as do our spirits. If we go long enough without food and water we will starve to death, or dehydration would kill us. Some of us are close to a spiritual death, our spirits are hungry and dry. It’s been so long since we’ve opened our bible, or prayed, or gone to church. We don’t even call to God in our times of distress because we are too shamed. Don’t sacrifice your spirit for your pride.

When we’re separated from God, when our spirits are longing for HIm but they're starving, we tend to act out, because we are trying to figure out what is wrong. We start to forget who we are, because our life is no longer centered around the living God, our personal Savior. We stopped going to the well that never runs dry. When we decide that our hunger pangs are far too much to bear on our own we will realize that God is food we need. Christ is the bread, His word is the water. We cannot live without them. There's no use in trying.


  1. What spoke to your heart the most today? Why?
  2. Is your spirit hungry for God?
  3. Is that hunger being satisfied daily or is your spirit starving?

Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above question fuel your prayer. Talk to God about the thirst in your heart. Ask Him to set a fire in your soul that will never go out, but will always burn for Him.
Maybe you are on the other side of the spectrum. You’ve realized that your spirit is starving, bring that heart to God. Allow him to replenish you, allow Him to restore your spirit, your passion, and love for Him. Know that God loves you, and He will never let you go. Just take His hand.
Bring your heart to Christ, whatever it looks like, He can take it, Rest in His love and His presence. He loves you.

I hope you have an amazing day or evening. I love you so much!

Share this with a friend and make sure you come back tomorrow for day 51!

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