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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day 51: Recap!

Hello everyone, I apologize once again for the post being late, I had a show to do today. But I hope everyone had a great day, a great weekend and a beautiful week. This week was so awesome, we cover so many different things and ended with hunger pangs. Speaking on being hungry for God. This week we will continue to explore what having a relationship with God looks like, getting into the harder to talk about subject, like mental health. If you have any questions or have something you would like to discuss or even a suggestion as to what we should speak on one week, please don't hesitate to contact me and let me know. What do you feel like our generation need to hear? Comment, email me (thedyamondjbackup@gmail.com), tweet me (IAmDyamondJ), anything let me know. This is for all of us, this is our devo. Talk to me, let's have an open discussion. Thank you for you continuity in reading the demos I pray that you are growing, and I love you. Thank you! Here's to Day 51!!!!! We are halfway to 100 people. Stick with me!!!!
- Dyamond

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