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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Monday, February 20, 2017

Day 52: Role Models

1 Corinthians 11:1

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Before we go too deep into this I would like to point out that the ultimate role model is Christ. We model our lives after the life he led. Our lives are moulded and shaped to fit the life of Christ. We learn to take the steps He took, we learn to love like He loves, live like He lives. Not by word alone, but because He gave us an example, He came down to earth and showed us how to live, and live freely and abundantly.  We get our instruction from Christ. He is our example, He is our role model, we look to Him for guidance and direction. With that being said, as we start to walk to this walk with Christ and live this holy and righteous life we will start to notice people following our example. We will start to lead God’s people to Him by living according to His word. Due to this we must make sure that we are not leading His people astray, that we are following Christ as they follow us.
When I became a Christian and eventually and youth pastor something my mom told me that I will never forget is, “Sometimes you’re the only Jesus people will ever see. You’re the only bible some people will ever read.” This struck me, as I began to realize that we are quite literally, ambassadors of Christ. We represent His Kingdom, and if we are going to do it, we must do it right, because it is a dangerous thing to lead God’s people astray.Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble (Luke 17:1-2).

When I think about being a role model or an ambassador for Christ, i think about the generation coming up after us. We have a duty to be for them what the generation either was or wasn’t for us. I think about my younger cousins, and their friends, and how they are watching me more than I know. I didn’t grow up with great examples as far as older siblings and cousins, I’m just being honest. So I made it my mission to be the person I needed when I was younger, I made it my duty to be the example to my younger cousins that I did not have or needed when I was their age. I have been given this gift, and this knowledge, I’d be cheating God’s people if I didn’t share it.
We must be an example to those coming up after us, teaching them  the ways of the Lord. Teaching them what it means to truly live. We must teach them integrity, morals, the word of God. It starts with us. We have to be the person we needed when we were younger, so another one coming up can look up to us as an example. That's also our duty. To teach our little ones. It is so important to stress this because we know what it’s like to be their age. We know the awkward changes, the things they think no one understands. We have been there, and it wasn’t that long ago. A lot of times young people rebel, and they won’t listen to their parents, but we might have a platform to reach them, being closer to their age than their parents. We can use that platform to instill morals and Christlike values into them. It's takes a village. We are now part of that village. Lend a helping hand. Don't talk about this corrupt upcoming generation. Help weed it out. Purify it. Pray for them, reach out to them. We were once in their shoes and God sent someone to help us.  We must lift up our kids and teens even if we didn't give birth to them. We cannot watch them go down wrong path. Not when we can help them down the right one.

  1. Does the life you live represent Christ?
  2. Do you believe that it is your duty to lead people to Christ?

Prayer Time
Today take the time to reflect on what it means to be an ambassador of Christ. Allow your answers to the question above guide you prayer. Pray for the generation coming up after us. Lift up the kids and teenagers in your life, community, church. Keep them lifted up in prayer.

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