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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Surviving Our Twenties With Christ

Lazy, entitled, spoiled, self-centered, sensitive, in constant need of approval, we live for participation trophies, we don't care, we have it too easy, we're misguided, are not real people

This devo is going to flip all of that on it's head, we are so much more than what people make us out to be. We live to serve Christ not man, and I think it's costing us the approval, or acceptance of our elders.

Dear Generation Y, 

My name is Dyamond J. I am a 24 year old college student going through life trying to figure things out. I don’t have it all together I wish I did.  However most of the time I feel like I  am constantly caught between feeling like I should have it all together and being okay with not having it all together. But what does that even mean. The truth is, I have no clue. I am a Christian and my faith is everything to me, and having God to depend on and knowing that Christ is my Savior, makes life a bit easier. Because I know that I have purpose, there’s a reason for me to be here.
Long story short, every year I do a yearly devotional, well for the past two years I have been doing a year long devo. As 2016 comes to an end I was looking to get another one, but for something specific, for people in their 20’s. There were many for young adults, teens, mothers, fathers, families, military people, women, but none dedicated to dealing with our 20’s with Christ. So I decided to do one myself.
This all started because I couldn’t find my current devo book that morning (which has now been found), which led me to good and barnes and noble seeking one for next year, I’d say it was meant to be.
The moment I got the idea, I ran with it, I started writing down everything I’ve gone through and still go through as a young person in my 20’s, I then texted my friends for their input, I then opened it to Facebook for their input. I believe that this is what God wants for me and his young people. And i will put my heart into it.
It will start out online, with daily journal entries that I will share and videos that I will post on youtube. The blogs will be numbered and will be Monday through Saturday, Sunday's will be days of reflection, occasionally accompanied by a recap video. But it won’t end there. By the end of the year the plan is to have a year long devotional that can be turned into a book, and who knows what will happen but this is the start so I’m excited to see where this goes.

If you would like to subscribe to this or even have suggestions, or questions, talk to me, send me your info, you can contact me through email, thedyamondj@gmail.com, or on all the social media sites, username: IAmDyamondJ 
Any one of those is fine. Enjoy!

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